Expected behavior of CTA Link Type

Hi there,

I was hoping to get some clarity around the expected built-in behavior of the CTA Link Type field. Does the selected option (URL, phone, other) affect any of the standard cards, for example any using the formatter generateCTAFieldTypeLink?


I couldn’t find linkType referenced anywhere in the formatters-internal.js file. Would I have to apply custom formatting to utilize this field?

Specifically, my goal is a flexible CTA button that opens a phone number (using tel:) or a URL depending on the Link Type.

Many thanks,

Hi Max, CTA linkType is used in the @yext/cta-formatter library, which is imported into the theme via npm.

The generateCTAFieldTypeLink formatter should be working as you’re expecting; in responding to this, we discovered a bug where the CTA linkType value, say “Phone” or “Email”, is getting translated in the API response, so for German these turn into “Telefon” and “E-mail”. We have a fix planned for the next version of the theme, 1.20.

In the meantime, you can add the below to your static/js/formatters-custom.js file (this file is included by default, no need to shadow anything)

import CtaFormatter from '@yext/cta-formatter';
 * @param {{link: string, linkType: string}} cta the Calls To Action field object
 * @returns {string} The formatted url associated with the Call to Action object if the cta object exists, null otherwise
export function generateCTAFieldTypeLink(cta) {
  console.log('cat', cta)
  if (!cta) {
    return null;
  const normalizedCTA = {
    linkType: normalizeCtaLinkType(cta.linkType)
  return CtaFormatter.generateCTAFieldTypeLink(normalizedCTA);
// These translations were taken from the schema for the "Calls To Action" built-in field type
const phoneTranslations = {
  cs: 'Telefon',
  da: 'Telefonnummer',
  de: 'Telefon',
  en: 'Phone',
  es: 'teléfono',
  et: 'Telefon',
  fi: 'Puhelin',
  fr: 'Numéro de téléphone',
  hr: 'Telefon',
  hu: 'Telefonszám',
  it: 'Telefono',
  ja: '電話番号',
  lt: 'Telefonas',
  lv: 'Tālruņa numurs',
  nb: 'Telefon',
  nl: 'Telefoonnummer',
  pl: 'Telefon',
  pt: 'Telefone',
  ro: 'Telefon',
  sk: 'Telefón',
  sv: 'Telefon',
  tr: 'Telefon',
  zh: '电话',
  zh_TW: 'Phone'
const emailTranslations = {
  cs: 'E-mail',
  da: 'E-mailadresse',
  de: 'E-Mail',
  en: 'Email',
  es: 'Correo electrónico',
  et: 'E-post',
  fi: 'Sähköposti',
  fr: 'Email',
  hr: 'Email',
  hu: 'E-mail-cím',
  it: 'E-mail',
  ja: 'Eメール',
  lt: 'El. paštas',
  lv: 'E-pasts',
  nb: 'E-post',
  nl: 'E-mail',
  pl: 'E-mail',
  pt: 'E-mail',
  ro: 'E-mail',
  sk: 'E-mail',
  sv: 'E-post',
  tr: 'E-posta',
  zh: '电子邮件',
  zh_TW: 'Email'
 * Normalizes a CTA's linkType to an enum by translating it to english,
 * so it can be used by the @yext/cta-formatter library.
 * @param {string} linkType 
 * @returns {string}
function normalizeCtaLinkType(linkType) {
  if (isLinkTypeInTranslations(linkType, Object.values(emailTranslations))) {
    return 'Email';
  } else if (isLinkTypeInTranslations(linkType, Object.values(phoneTranslations))) {
    return 'Phone'
  return linkType;
 * Whether or not the given CTA linkType is included in a translations object's values.
 * @param {string} linkType 
 * @param {Array<string>} translations
 * @returns {boolean}
function isLinkTypeInTranslations(linkType, translations) {
  return !!translations.find(translation => {
    return translation.toLowerCase() === linkType.toLowerCase()

Once you’ve added this, you should see the CTAs working as expected. Let us know if you have any questions!


Hi Oliver,

Thanks so much for your response. I’m trying to apply the interim fix but am not seeing the desired result.

To confirm, I paste the above code into my themes/answers-hitchhiker-theme/static/js/formatters-custom.js file.

I’m using the built-in faq-accordion card that uses Formatter.generateCTAFieldTypeLink so I’m stumped as what I’m missing.

Just to make sure, I should be achieve the behavior in live preview, correct?

I appreciate your help!


Hi Max,

Could you add it to static/js/formatters-custom.js instead of themes/answers-hitchhiker-theme/static/js/formatters-custom.js ? Your personal copy of formatters-custom.js (which everyone gets by default) takes higher priority over the one in the themes folder.

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