External / Internal Filtering in Analytics

Analytics Filtering

Current Behavior

Currently all traffic is shown in the Analytics Overview Screen.

This includes:

  • Bots
  • Consumer Traffic
  • Customer Traffic
  • Yext Traffic

New Behavior

Traffic is segmented based on four user groups which are used to designate External versus Internal traffic.

By default, all Traffic is returned in Search Query Logs and the Analytics Overview Screen (excluding Bots).

More detail can be found here

@mperalta My client has provided a list of specific IP addresses and IP subnets, how do I add these to identify as ‘Internal’?

@afarooque Partial IP addresses are not supported however we do support IP Subnets which allow you to capture an entire range of IP addresses.

More information on IP Subnets here.

Tip: If you need to input multiple of these IP addresses, it can get pretty tedious getting them into the proper JSON format. Here are some tools that make this a lot easier!

  1. CSV - JSON Converter
  2. IP Address JSON Formatting Google Sheet
    3.* make a copy when using!*
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Hey @Michael_Peralta,

Thanks for the context in the article above.

To clarify, can we support filtering a range such as number.number.x.x? I’ve been provided with clear ranges in the past and was able to utilize the tools in Jessie’s post above to enter those IP addresses, but have not seen a range like the example above.

Thank you,

Adding on to Austin’s question re: filtering on ranges, my client provided me IP addresses that include asterisks, e.g. 123.45.678.90*. When I input this as-is, I get an invalid address error. How do I add these IP addresses?


@Austin_DaCunha @Kristy_Huang

Thanks for your question!

We currently don’t support IP Addresses with asterisks (wildcards) in them only:

  • Exact IP Address i.e.
  • IP Subnet Range i.e

which allows you to specify a range of IP Addresses to filter in a given subnet.

For example, take the IP Address Range –, this can either be filtered explicitly


and so on up until .255 or it can be filtered using a subnet range i.e. which would cover them all.

Your client should be familiar with the size of their subnet i.e. the /24 portion of that range and be able to advise you on how many IP Addresses they’d like to block out.

Let me know if you have any additional questions!

Is there any way we can include ranges in the IP address filtering json?

The addresses I’m getting from the client are formatted like this: to
(address has been changed slightly for this post)

I’ve tried a few variations on formatting this (using a -, using a /…) but could use some guidance. Do I need more info from the client or do I have what I need to filter these addresses?

Hi @Sarah_Dougherty,

Yep! You should be able to add them like so:

 "ipFilters": [
      "source": "Name",
      "address": ""

Let me know if you have any questions and I would recommend testing it to make sure it processed successfully.


Hey Alyssa – Still getting “invalid address” errors with that formatting. Is there anything else I should check for?


Hey sorry for the delayed response.

If you’re looking to block the following range to then you’ll want to enter in the IP Address like this where the /24 indicates how many IP Addresses should be included in your range (in this case 256)

You can also select smaller (or larger) ranges as well. For example /25 will only include 128 IP Addresses i.e. to

You can use this Subnet Calculator to make sure you’re including the correct number of IP Addresses in your range.

Hope this helps!


Hey Sarah! Did you ever figure this out.

Mike thank you so much for the notes above, but I am still struggling to format/understand how to format this correctly. This is what the client sent me:

type 1:

xx.197.2.218/29 or xx.197.2.216-223

type 2:

xxx.130.45.82/30 or xxx.130.45.80-.83

And this is how I formatted it (which is throwing me an invalid address error like Sarah:

 "ipFilters": [
  "source": "type 1",
  "address": "xx.197.2.218/29"
  "source": "type 2",
  "address": "xxx.130.45.82/30"


Hey team! I was able to resolve this & the update went through. Please ignore my above message.