I am doing the final challenge but there is a point that I simply don’t get: “Create a new repo in your jobs site and call it jobs-answers.turtleheadtacos-2579039.com” (that would be the proper address, by the way).
I don’t understand what it’s meant by a Repo? I am in the experiences / job answers experience but there is no repo that can be created. And I am stuck with this… where can I create a repo? Or what is the meainig of it? is it a new page? a new template?
Thanks for any help.
Hi @Frank_Lohrengel ,
let me try and help you.
In step 10 of the challenge you need to create a new GitHub repo(sitory).
To do so, navigate to “Pages” > “Sites” > “Turtlehead Tacos Jobs” and click link “Create Repository”:
Enter the correct name for your new repo (you mention "jobs-answers.turtleheadtacos-2579039.com” in your post, but please double-check that/if “2579039” is (still) your account ID and correct - HH sandbox accounts expire after 5 days) and select option “Answers Jambo Template” as instructed.
I hope this will get you back on track.
Good luck (or rather “success”) with the remainder of the challenge!
Thanks. I thing I get it now.
hopefully you can helpme a bit more with this.
I ended up starting the challenge again just to make sure I got how to get there. However, now I am stuck at bullet 22. It states to go to “Turtlehead tacos” but is sites there is no single entity called that way. I think I am supossed to create a domain but don’t understand the request as the site name requested does not match the names that I have.
Thanks for any help!
Hello @Frank_Lohrengel ,
I understand where your confusion is coming from. In fact, this is an error in the instructions text.
It should rather read “Go to Pages > Sites > Turtlehead Tacos Jobs and click on the dropdown to Select Domain
See screenshot for illustration:
Hope this helps.
Best, Stefan
Adding @Kristy_Huang for awareness
ok, thank you. I think I should be able to keep going. it can probably be infered from context, but the instructions are a bit unclear and it is easier to make sure before you do it than trying to correct it afterwards.
Ok, so I created the domain. I was never asked whether to have HTPPS or not as stated in the challenge (Select “Yes” to provision HTTPS), so not sure if I took a wrong turn somewhere. Also, I just realized after publishing that I am only getting an empty page so I can’t do search… would you mind taking a look?
Also, it might be worth making a revision to this challenge. It’s very long (which in itself is not unexpected for a whole area’s challenge!) but there seems to be a lot of inferred information (which is not always evident on a first read for non-native speakers).
Hi Frank,
Big thank you to @Stefan_Heidbrink for helping out here! To go through your questions sequentially:
The repo or repository is where we store the files that make up the code for the Answers frontend. You can read more about repos in the How the Frontend Works unit.
I’ve updated the instructions for step 22 to say Pages > Sites > Turtlehead Tacos Jobs. Setting domains is definitely something that is better to check ahead of time rather than trying to correct afterwards. Thanks for calling it out!
When setting a domain, one of the screens in the flow looks like below. “Yes” is selected by default to provision HTTPS for the domain.
- The empty page on your staging link is caused by a couple errors in the Jobs site frontend:
In step 13, make sure to set the experienceKey in locale_config.json exactly as what you set it as in step 1.
In step 15, make sure to use the “faqs” verticalKey for the faqs.json file.
These updates should get the page to show. If you are looking in Live Preview, you will need to Update Preview to refresh the page. Then you’re good to continue the rest of the steps in the challenge.
A couple other callouts on earlier steps before you submit your challenge:
- It looks like you missed step 2 for the existing Answers experience. Be sure to set universal and vertical prompts in the search config.
- In step 3 for the existing Answers experience, be sure to update the verticalKey in verticalsToConfig as well.
- To your comment about inferred information, we want to test your understanding of concepts and steps brought up throughout the Answers track, but we don’t want it to be unclear (like step 22 above for the domain) or to make it unnecessarily difficult. I’ve taken another read through the challenge, but please let us know if there are any other places we can make clearer for you and other Hitchhikers!
thank you very much Kristy! I will do the challenge again, and make sure I pay attention to those. As I said, I did it a coouple of times, so I might have missed a step as you mentioned.
Thank you for your help of course I understand that a lot of this needs to be infered, that makes sense, but these challenges take time that we need to free up sometimes and then “go back” to answers (already completed listings and finishing reviews now) so it kind of gets me out of my head. I know it will be for a better admin in the end, though!