Fix Instructions for grunt-webpack 4.0.0 Live Preview Issues

If you experience the above live preview issue with grunt-webpack, you should be able to resolve the issue by specifying grunt-webpack version 4.0.3 in your package.json.

Detailed steps:

  1. open your repos package.json file in the code editor
  2. look for the line that defines your grunt-webpack version, it should look like "grunt-webpack": "4.0.0". If it is on a version less than 4.0.3, for example 4.0.0 or 4.0.2, change it to 4.0.3
  3. commit your change, terminate your session and re-open it
  4. the next time you make changes to your repo, you will see changes to a file called package-lock.json. This is expected, and is the result of npm propagating the grunt-webpack upgrade throughout your package-lock.

Please comment below if you continue to experience any issues!

If you’re still seeing issues, try this fix as well:

This issue has been addressed in the Theme 1.29.1 patch. For more info, check out this post: