Help with Module 2 of Multi-Language Search/Experiences

Hello! I am having trouble with Step 11 of the Module 2 Assessment for Multi-Search Experiences. I am trying to move onto Jambo Commands > Add Page - but nothing shows up for me when I open Jambo Commands, there is a blank window. I have refreshed the page, but the same glitch keeps occurring.

I have attached screenshots below. Thank you so much in advance.

Jambo commands is a blank window

Hello @Annika_Joeng
It should be nothing but loading issue. I too faced the same issue, but on reload the page everything worked fine. Attached screenshot.
have you tried again and checked to confirm.

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Hi Tosh,

Thanks for your reply!
I ended up losing my progress and need to start over, so I’ll have to try again later to see if that glitch was fixed.

Thank you for letting me know! Much appreciated. :slight_smile:

All fine @Annika_Joeng
In case of any issue you face again, feel free to share. However, you must get it done successfully now. :slight_smile: