How to add Location Bias to a Query

To add location bias to query when testing, just add the location param with a lat/long.


Note location=42.3314,-83.0458

You can use Get Lat Long from Address Convert Address to Coordinates to find a lat/long of a specific address.



i´ve read this in a hitchhikers unit, too. Thanks so far.
But could you please tell me, if it should still work?
Tried it many times in different browsers with or without location detection. My location is always detected automatically by my ip adress. So Yext tell me in the part, where the location is displayed.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards

Any updates here? Thanks a lot.

Yes it should still work – Could you post the url you’re trying (you can exclude the api key, and use a different location if you’d prefer)?

It’s possible you have two location parameters by accident, or the location formatting isn’t what the API expects.

Thank you for your answer. I will check it out at the end of November again.