How to configure the "Related Provider" field to be able to recognize just a first or last name for Healthcare Clients


Recently, I have configured a build for a Healthcare client that allows users to search for provider names within the locations vertical in order to see what hospitals they are associated with. The way I was able to accomplish this was by populating the “related professionals” field for all locations. The functionality works great when a user types in a Provider’s full name, but does not while searching for just a first or last name. Is there a way where I can configure the experience to identity “related providers” based on just a first or last name from the “related providers” field?

*This functionality would also need to be implemented within the “related providers” field for the “services” entity type as well.


Hi Andrew,

Great question. At the moment, we can only support searching the entity name field for linked entities but we certainly hear you on this functionality. We have some new features coming soon that should help with this request and we will keep you posted on the timeline.


Thank you- looking forward to seeing the new features!!
