JS Version 0.13.1 Release - Vertical Results

Vertical Results

With the launch of version 13.1, wanted to share some exciting new features hitchhikers will now have access to!

New Functionality :partying_face:

  1. showResultCount (true/false – defaults to true): Add this if you’d like to show the total count of results! If you’ve also added pagination, this will update as a user paginates through the result set.
  2. showAppliedFilters (true/false – defaults to true): If you’d like to see the NLP filters that we’re applied to your query, set this to true! Within your applied filters there are a few configuration options.
    a. resultsCountSeparator (string – defaults to | ): add a character that separates the results count and the applied filters.
    b. showFieldNames (true/false – defaults to false): Display the field names ahead of your applied filters
    Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 8.46.17 PM
    Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 8.46.17 PM

These attributes all work with AEB – just add them to your vertical in answers.js, like this

verticals: {
    locations: {
          sectionTitle: 'Ballroom Extravaganza Locations',
          sectionTitleIconName: 'office',
          resultsCountSeparator: '---', //changing default here
          dataMappings: {  .... }

Default UX

There are now, by default, spacing between the vertical results cards, to give the layout a bit of a more modern feel.

Deprecations :wave:

  • Section headers are no longer present in vertical results. Section headers were a remnant from universal results – from the tabs and the vertical context, our UX felt the addition of the header was redundant.

Coming Soon :alarm_clock:

  • Right now, these new features only apply to verticals with standard result cards (not accordions, like FAQs). Accordions are up next!
  • Applied filters only show NLP filters. Soon, they’ll also show any facets or static filters that we’re selected, if you’ve added those to your experience.
  • No Results: This is waiting on one API change that a certain silly product manager has been blocking it :rose: . stay tuned for a post on how to better configure no results next week!