Apply Template to all of an Entity Type

Hi! I have been working on the Knowledge graph and am stuck on an assessment. I cannot figure out the button path to applying a template to an entire entity group. Can anyone help me with this?

Hey Ben,

You can check out this article for step-by-step instructions on how to apply a template to specific entity types. Let me know if it answers your question!

I’m having the same issue. I’m following the steps as noted in the FAQ, and the information is being applied to all entities, but for some reason the assessment won’t recognize that I’ve completed the steps. Anyone figure out a solution?

Hi Julia,

Welcome to the Community! Thanks for reaching out. You’re super close! It looks like your Primary CTA label is “Click to order” instead of “Click to Order” with a capitalized O on “Order”. It is case sensitive so once you make that adjustment and re-apply the template to your restaurants, you should be in the clear.

Let me know if you continue to have issues or have any questions!
