Module 20-Step 4 - Assessment - Unable to Creating new User Meredith - Error with email


When I save my new user Meredith I get error that the email is already used for

“This email address is already in use. Please enter a different email address or create a username.”

I did not use this email yet.

Please advise.


Can anyone respond so I can to the final Assessment.
See attachment for error message.


I added Meredith by using another email since it says that hers is already used.

Now when I submit the challenge I get the following

I created a role ‘Hours & CTA Data Manager’ as instructed, but I do not see “HoursCTADataManagerCustomRole”

Hi @Claire_Paquette,

I took a look at your challenge account and there is one small thing you need to do to complete step 3 of the challenge:

Navigate to Account Settings > Roles and create a Custom Role for Meredith Xu so that she can only update the hours and CTA custom field group and view analytics.
  * Role Name: Hours & CTA Data Manager
  * Role Description: Role to manage Hours and CTA data and view analytics.
  * Permissions:
    * Content - Hours - Edit
    * Content - Call to Action Fields - Edit
    * Analytics - Report Builder - View

The one thing that is missing is that the custom role you created, “Hours & CTA Data Manager”, doesn’t have Edit Access for Hours in Content. Once you check that off and save it within the role, you will be able to complete the challenge!

OK, I update the Hours field to Edit. *** I remember now, I could not find ‘Hours’ in the list when I was doing that section ***

But, I still cannot use Meredith’s email it says it’s already used.

I put my personal email.

Please advise



You should be passing the rules for the challenge even though you used your username to add Meredith as a user. This means you can submit the challenge to complete it! If you want to use Meredith’s email, you can follow the directions below.

You will need to create a new user for Meredith (doing all the steps you did before for the challenge) and use the email you listed in the last message. You will see when you try to save the user that it tells you the email is in use and you will be prompted to create a username (this is noted in the challenge directions and in the platform). Click “create a username” and put something unique like “meredithxu-123”. This will allow you to add the user with that email.

I hope this helps!