Everything works well on my local machine until Until Module 4 - Unit 2. However, on unit 3:
- I created the Mapbox account and copy the Default public token autogenerated, on the home page and replated with the YOUR_MAPBOX_API_KEY;
- I created the StoreLocator.tsx and updated the locator.tsx accordingly;
- The map is loaded correctly and initialization.
- When I paste " New York City, New York, United States" or write something in the searchbar, I receive the following errors:
- https://prod-cdn.us.yextapis.com/v2/accounts/me/search/filtersearch?input=New+York+City… with 401 (Unauthorized)
- FilterSearch.tsx:137 Error occurred executing a filter search request.
Error: Invalid API Key
at new SearchError2
Did anyone encountered this? How can I solve this? Are there any other things that I need to check?
*Keep in mind that the search on Unit 2 works as shown in Demo.