Mapbox Map Not Displaying Module 4 Unit 3

Having issues with the mapbox map displaying on my locator. Followed the directions step by step. Updated my .env to include the mapbox API. It seems that code editor is not picking up any of the .env files like “YEXT_PUBLIC_MAPBOX_API_KEY” and “YEXT_PUBLIC_SEARCH_API_KEY”.


Thanks for being in touch. Are you able to actually render the maps and search experience? Some code editors lint the references to the environment variables, because these are injected at build-time and are not known to the linter before build.

Please let me know if the map is not appearing, and we’ll happily assist debugging.

All best wishes,

Hi Andrew,

It seems I am unable to render the maps and search experience. I am seeing that Sandbox Endpoints has a strikethrough, could that have something to do with the issue?
