Preview is not getting created properly

I have created pages, gave a dmain name, built knoweledge graph and created answers experience. But when i am creating preview to make some changes, that preview is either a completely blank page or some folders. Where do I need to make changes?

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Hi @Abhishek_Pratap

Thanks for reaching out. Could you provide more information on your account? Have you created the index.html file? If not, you will be redirected to a directory where you can choose which page you want to preview, which sound like the folders you are describing. If you’ve created the file, you might just need to hit “Update Preview” one more time and do another hard refresh.

Additionally, please keep in mind that you can always take a look at console to see what error message you may be getting. You’ll want to make sure that the console says that the preview is ready before you try to refresh to see your latest changes.

Take a look at the Live Preview unit HERE for more information. And please feel free to send over a screenshot or account info if you’re still seeing an issue and we’ll continue to look into it!
