Query Rules Boost Vertical Intent: NLP Filter Prioritization

Hi Team,

I just went through the Query Rules module and am really excited to take advantage of the new feature!

I am looking to override the algorithm any time a search term contains the words “job, jobs, career or careers,” boosting the Jobs vertical to the top of the results followed by FAQs. I thought this would be a perfect use case for Boost Vertical Intent action.

In QAing the experience, I noticed that a query like “Jobs in Fresno, California” properly returns Jobs as the first vertical, however, FAQs are buried at the bottom of the results, beneath Professionals and Locations.

In checking the Live API results, it looks like there is an applied query filter on the location field for both Branches and Professionals. This makes sense to me as I have an nlpFilter on the builtin.location field in the Search Configuration File. As for the FAQs, 3 job/career related FAQs were returned as they have ‘Career’ listed as the FAQ category. However, I have a textSearch filter on the FAQ category field, instead of an nlpFilter.

That said, my understanding is that the Answers algorithm is prioritizing the nlpFilter on builtin.location for Branches and Professionals over the textSearch on the FAQ category field. However, I’m a bit confused because I thought Query Rules allow one to override the Answers algorithm, in this case boosting FAQs when the search term contains the word “Jobs”.

I’m not sure if there is an error in how I set up Query Rules or maybe I misunderstood the capabilities of Query Rules. Any advice here would be much appreciated!

Thank you,

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Hi Austin,

The search terms within the query rule are ‘anded’ together - so in this case, it’s looking for all the terms you’ve listed in a search query.

To achieve ‘or’ behavior, you’ll need to add separate query rules.

Hope this clarifies!

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Hi @afarooque,

I’m editing my query rules in the new search config UI from the fall release and noticed that the criteria suggest ‘or’ behavior for multiple search terms within the same criteria.

Do you know if this is the case?

Many thanks,

Hi Max,

Thanks for catching this! The search terms are "AND"ed together - we will update on our end to make sure the UI accurately reflect this.


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