Hey team -
I’m looking to boost the “financial professionals” vertical for specific queries on my experience. This is necessary because we have another rule in place that boosts locations by strength 5 for all queries in the universal tab - so we want the cases where agents are targeted in the search to still return that vertical.
"criteria": {
"searchTypes": "ALL"
"actions": [
"boostValue": 5,
"verticals": [
"name": "Boost Things"
"criteria": {
"searchTermExactlyMatches": "[Aa]gents.in.[A-Za-z]+"
"actions": [
"boostValue": 30,
"verticals": [
"name": "Boost Professionals"
However. all my test searches still return the locations vertical first. I attempted my regex on regex101 and haven’t had any problems matching queries like “Agents in Kansas” “agents in kansas” or “agents in ks” but I cant seem to replicate the desired behavior on my experience.