Query Suggestions Based Only on Beginning of Embedded Entity Names


The ability to use embedded Knowledge Graph prompts as query suggestions using [[name]] is really awesome - my clients love it. Is there a way to set these prompts to be based on any text within the entity’s name, rather than just the beginning? For example, an FAQ entity called “get technical help” will surface as a suggestion if I begin to type “get…” but not if I begin to type “technical…”

CC: @Kristy_Huang

Thanks in advance!

Hi Sherman,

Query suggestions currently start from the beginning of the prompt set, but this is a great idea for a product request. I’ve raised this to our Product team. Thanks for the suggestion!


Hey Kristy,

Is there a hitchhiker module that talks about these autofill/prompts based on entity names? I have a client that is considering turning them off but wants more information on how to do this. I don’t see anything in the point and click functionality that points out turning off this feature.