Structuring Multiple Components for Direct Answers

My client is looking to show dimensions of their products as direct answer cards in Answers and I’m thinking through the best way to structure this in the Knowledge Graph for the best Answers experience. I created a custom field type for dimensions with subfields for width, depth, height, weight, etc. and show it on a direct answer card like below. Is it possible to format the direct answer card with the names of the subfields, i.e. “Width: 25 5/8 in, Depth: 28 in, Height: 42 3/4 in, Shipping Weight: 196 lb” and have this card show up when users search for “dimensions” or even “width”? What are best practices around multiple subfields on a single direct answer card?

Just following up here. I ended up using a list of single-line text for dimensions with each dimension on a new line and it worked out pretty well:


You should also be able to do this by forking the direct answer card. Then specify the field this applies to and the format you want the answer to show in. You could follow this post on configuring price as a direct answer for the process of checking the API call for how to reference the field names and add the formatter.