Twitter Data Connector (Summer ‘21 Release)

With the new Twitter Data Connector, you can now pull up to 3,200 of your brand’s tweets directly into your knowledge graph, allowing you to surface tweets on your pages, answers experiences, or elsewhere!

Find this connector in your platform Apps Directory or under Connectors in your Knowledge Graph.

During installation, you’ll be prompted to provide the desired Twitter account username (handle) and user ID. There are two methods of retrieving your user ID since it is not available in the Twitter UI:

  1. Fork this public postman collection and input your username in the path variable. The resulting API response will contain your User ID
  2. Use a third-party site such as tweeterid or codeofaninja

Once installation is complete, you will automatically be redirected to the connector where it will run!

If you have any questions or comments please let us know!

Where will the tweet live… in the connector? in reviews (monitoring)? elsewhere?

Hi Sarah,

Tweets will live in the Knowledge Graph as a custom entity type. From there you can integrate them into your Yext products like Pages and Answers.

Are there plans to incorporate the tweets in Sentiment Analysis?

Hi Sarah,

That’s not part of our roadmap at this time. Sentiment Analysis is performed on review content, not on content in the Knowledge Graph.

Surfacing your brand’s tweets on Pages or making them searchable within Answers are example use cases for this connector.

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