Update Default Universal Limit on Vertical Page Templates (Winter '21 Release)

Based on our review of search quality across Answers experiences, we have found a best practice is to limit the results for each vertical on universal search with universalLimit. Having a larger universalLimit pushes relevant second and third verticals too far “below the fold.” This can be a bad user experience if there are relevant results in lower verticals and users may not scroll down far enough to find what they are looking for.

We have updated the default universal limit to four on all vertical page templates. This provides a better UI and easily shows users results across different verticals on universal search without them needing to scroll far.

This change will only affect net-new pages you create. You can still change the universal limit on any or all of your verticals by updating the universalLimit property in the config.json file for each vertical you want to change.

To learn more about the universal limit, check out the Customizing Your Pages unit.

Upgrade Implications:

The new default universal limit of four will only be applied to net-new pages you add after you upgrade your theme. Feel free to customize this default or change the universal limit to this suggested default on existing pages by updating the universalLimit property in the config.json file for each vertical you want to change.

:spiral_calendar: This feature is available in Early Access. Here’s how to use the Early Access branches of the Theme and SDK!