User Permissions for Clients

Hi team,

I know we are able to give phone number edit access to users. However, are we able to give phone number edit access to specific users (i.e. only store managers)? More broadly, can we grant access to certain fields for specific users?

Hi Emmy,

Congrats on your first Community post!

Yes, we are able to do that. You can create custom roles for your users to limit access to almost any screen, field and action in the platform as needed.

For fields specifically, you can set up roles that specify whether a user can view, edit, request edits, or only use pre-approved assets for each field individually. If you wanted to create a role that only lets users view/edit Phone Number that’s how you’d do it.

Read more about this in the Users module: Users | Hitchhikers

Feel free to post any more questions or follow ups in the comments.


Super helpful - thanks, Liz!