A resource that represents the configuration of a Connector.
$idstring Required
$schemaconst Required
displayNamestring Required
Display name of this Connector.
sourceobject Required
Represents a combination of the configuration to fetch data & selectors to extract content from the raw data.
Configuration for various sources of data.
The following properties are required:
- crawlerConfig
The following properties are required:
- apiPullConfig
The following properties are required:
- apiPushConfig
The following properties are required:
- functionConfig
The following properties are required:
- nativeSourceConfig
The following properties are required:
- fileUploadConfig
The following properties are required:
- ftpConfig
Configuration used to extract data from the crawler.
string Required
The reference to the crawler resource.
array of string
List of URL patterns to extract data for.
Each item of this array must be:
The URL to extract data for.
array of enum (of string)
Specifies which file types to include in your Connector if present in your selected crawler. This setting does not have to match your crawler settings
Must contain a minimum of 1
Each item of this array must be:
Must be one of:
- “HTML”
- “PDF”
Configuration used to connect and pull data from an API.
enum (of string) Required
The request method type.
Must be one of:
- “GET”
- “POST”
string Required
The request URL to use.
The request body used to make a POST request.
string Required
The Content-Type used to describe the request body.
string Required
The value of the request body.
The authentication mechanism to use to connect to the API.
Same definition as destinationConfig_apiConfig_authenticationThe method used for controlling pagination.
The following properties are required:
- pageBasedPagination
The following properties are required:
- cursorPagination
The following properties are required:
- linkHeaderPagination
The following properties are required:
- offsetPagination
Max pages to fetch. If unset, all pages will be fetched.
Page-based pagination will increment the page key query parameter value until all pages are returned.
string Required
Pagination key to be passed as a query parameter in the request.
Initial value for the page key. If specified, this value will be used as the query parameter value for the Page Key in the first request. If not specified, 0 will be used by default.
Points to the total number of pages either in the response body or the response headers.
string Required
The key for the total number of pages. A JMES path expression.
Indicates if the total number pages value is located in the response headers or the response body.
Key to specify the max number of entries returned per page, passed as a query parameter in the request.
Value for the limit key which specifies the max number of entries returned per page.
Cursor-based pagination will look for a cursor in each response and pass it to the subsequent request to fetch the next page.
Pagination key to be passed as a query parameter in the request.
string Required
The key that contains the cursor in the response. If detectCursorInHeader is set to true, the key will be searched for in the header. If not set or set to false, the key will be searched for in the response body.
enum (of string) Required
Indicates if the cursor is a Token, Relative URL or Full URL.
Must be one of:
Indicates if the cursor key will be contained in the response header or the response body.
Link header pagination will use a link with a specified relation provided in the response header to fetch the next page.
string Required
The label of the link that should be used. In most cases, this will be “next”.
enum (of string)
Indicates if the link is a full URL or a relative URL.
Must be one of:
Offset pagination will use the offset and limit query parameters to paginate through all the items in a collection.
Must not be:
The following properties are required:
- totalPages
- totalItems
string Required
Offset key to be passed as a query parameter in the request.
string Required
Key to specify the max number of entries returned per page, passed as a query parameter in the request.
Value for the offset to be used in the initial request.
Value for the limit which specifies the max number of entries returned per page.
Points to the total number of pages either in the response body or the response headers.
string Required
The key for the total number of pages. A JMES path expression.
Indicates if the total number of pages value is located in the response headers or the response body.
Points to the total number of items either in the response body or the response headers.
string Required
The key for the total number of items. A JMES path expression.
Indicates if the total number of items value is located in the response headers or the response body.
The maximum requests that can be made in a specified unit of time.
Same definition as destinationConfig_apiConfig_rateLimitobject
Map of header keys and values to use in the API request.
string Pattern Property
All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions
Property name regular expression:^.
Map of query parameter keys and values to use in the API request.
string Pattern Property
All property whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions
Property name regular expression:^.
object Required
The data format of the response.
Must be one of:
- “JSON”
- “CSV”
Configuration used to connect to an app and receive data pushed to the Connectors API endpoint.
object Required
The data format of the response.
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_apiPullConfig_dataFormatboolean
If enabled, a new run will be initiated every time a request is sent to this Connector and the data provided in the request will be processed.
Configuration used to invoke a function.
string Required
The reference to a Plugin resource that contains a desired function.
string Required
The function to invoke.
object Required
The data format of the response.
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_apiPullConfig_dataFormatobject
Configuration used to extract data from a native data source.
string Required
The reference to the native source.
string Required
The method that determines what data to fetch from the native source.
object Required
User-provided inputs required to extract data from the native source.
Configuration used to extract data from your uploaded file.
object Required
The data format of the response.
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_apiPullConfig_dataFormatSpecifies configuration on how a file should be processed.
The following properties are required:
- csv
The following properties are required:
- excel
Configuration settings to extract data from your CSV file or any delimited file
Specify the delimiter of your file. By default, a comma will be used.
Specify if the first row of your data contains the headers for your columns.
Same definition as definitions_fileType_excelConfig_hasHeaderobject
Configuration settings to extract data from your Excel file
Specify if the first row of your data contains the headers for your columns.
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_fileUploadConfig_config_csv_hasHeaderarray of integer
Specify the indices of the sheets to extract from your excel file. If left empty, the entire workbook will be extracted.
Each item of this array must be:
enum (of string)
If multiple worksheets are present, choose to merge sheets horizontally or vertically.
Must be one of:
Configuration used to extract data from files fetched from your remote Server.
enum (of string) Required
The protocol to use for establishing connection to your Server.
Must be one of:
- “SFTP”
- “FTPS”
- “FTP”
string Required
The host address without the protocol.
The port of your Server (default 21 for FTP, 990 for FTPS or 22 for SFTP).
string Required
The username to authenticate access to the Server.
The credential method to authenticate access to the Server, either via password or an SSH Private Key.
The following properties are required:
- password
The following properties are required:
- sshPrivateKey
The password to authenticate access to the Server.
The SSH Private Key that will grant access to the Server.
The file location in the Server, including the file extension.
The following properties are required:
- exactFilePath
The following properties are required:
- searchByCriteria
The exact path to a specific file in your Server.
The criteria used to search through your Server to find a specific file.
enum (of string) Required
The file that matches the criteria that is either the most recently modified or least recently modified.
Must be one of:
string Required
The path to the folder containing your file.
enum (of string)
The search pattern rule by which to filter files by name.
Must be one of:
- “NONE”
The regex by which to filter files.
object Required
The data format of the response.
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_apiPullConfig_dataFormatSpecifies configuration on how a file should be processed.
The following properties are required:
- csv
The following properties are required:
- excel
Configuration settings to extract data from your CSV file or any delimited file
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_fileUploadConfig_config_csvobject
Configuration settings to extract data from your Excel file
Same definition as source_sourceConfig_fileUploadConfig_config_excelobject
A selector for extracting content.
enum (of string) Required
The type of data selector.
Must be one of:
- “CSS”
- “JSON”
string Required
The header used to identify the extracted content.
The selector content path.
The specific table column from which to select values.
The following properties are required:
- index
The following properties are required:
- header
The zero-base column index.
The header based column content.
enum (of string)
The selector mode of a CSS or XPath selector.
Must be one of:
- “URL”
The attribute key of a CSS or XPath selector.
The ID of the field to extract content from.
Path to a particular property or list item index. Includes field format settings if applicable.
Each item of this array must be:
The following properties are required:
- name
The following properties are required:
- index
A name which identifies a struct value property.
An index which identifies an item in a list value.
The configuration of the field format
Same definition as mappings_items_fieldFormatConfigarray
An ordered list of selectors to apply and extract data.
Each item of this array must be:
A selector for extracting content.
Same definition as source_baseSelectordestinationConfig
Defines the destination config to be used by this connector
The following properties are required:
- apiConfig
The following properties are required:
- knowledgeGraphConfig
A generic API config to send data to.
Each item of this array must be:
Represents arbitrary keys that can be used in an API Config to represent dynamic values
string Required
Identifies the name of a variable.
Identifies the type of a variable.
The authentication mechanism to use to connect to the API.
The following properties are required:
- bearerToken
The following properties are required:
- basicAuthentication
The following properties are required:
- apiKey
The following properties are required:
- oauth
A token that will be passed in the authorization header.
Username and password authentication.
string Required
The username.
The password.
An API key will be used to authenticate requests. The API-key can be appended in the header or as a query param depending on the source API.
string Required
The key used to send the token.
string Required
The API token content.
boolean Required
Indicates if the token should be set as a header instead of a query param.
OAuth 2.0 authentication using Linked Accounts.
string Required
A reference to the linked account.
The maximum requests that can be made in a specified unit of time.
enum (of string) Required
The unit of time per which the specified quantity of requests can be sent.
Must be one of:
- “HOUR”
number Required
The maximum number of requests that may be sent in the specified unit of time.
The endpoints of the API configuration.
The Yext Knowledge Graph configuration to push data to.
array of string
The Entity Types of the entities managed by the Connector.
Each item of this array must be:
Transforms to sequentially apply to data produced by selectors.
Each item of this array must be:
A transform to apply to the data output by the previous step.
The following properties are required:
- applyTemplateFields
The following properties are required:
- fixCapitalization
The following properties are required:
- removeUnwantedChars
The following properties are required:
- extractText
The following properties are required:
- function
The following properties are required:
- findAndReplace
The following properties are required:
- addColumn
The following properties are required:
- filterRows
The following properties are required:
- formatDates
The following properties are required:
- mergeColumns
The following properties are required:
- splitColumn
The following properties are required:
- fillInEmptyCells
The following properties are required:
- splitIntoRows
The following properties are required:
- formatTimes
The following properties are required:
- ignoreColumns
The following properties are required:
- mapPublisherCategories
The following properties are required:
- duplicateColumn
The following properties are required:
- functionOnARow
The following properties are required:
- checkEntityExistence
The following properties are required:
- convertToRichText
Applies the data stored in a template to your data.
string Required
The template in your account to apply.
array Required
The Column headers that should be populated via the fields in the template.
Each item of this array must be:
The mapping between a field in your template and a Column Header within the Connector.
string Required
The ID of the field in the template to apply.
Path to a particular property or list item index. Includes field format settings if applicable.
Same definition as source_baseSelector_subfieldPathstring Required
The Column Header that should be populated with the template value for the given field.
Transforms the text of the input columns by applying the selected capitalization option.
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
array of string
The names of the columns containing values to transform.
Each item of this array must be:
The name of the column containing values to transform.
True if all columns should be transformed, including any added in the future.
Specific value:true
enum (of string) Required
The clean option to be applied.
Must be one of:
Transforms the text of the input columns by applying the selected character removal options.
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersarray of enum (of string) Required
How the data should be cleaned.
Each item of this array must be:
The unwanted character removal options to be applied.
Must be one of:
Transforms the text of the input column by extracting text and creating a new column.
If the conditions in the “If” tab are respected, then the conditions in the “Then” tab should be respected. Otherwise, the conditions in the “Else” tab should be respected.
The following properties are required:
- valueToFind
If the conditions in the “If” tab are respected, then the conditions in the “Then” tab should be respected. Otherwise, the conditions in the “Else” tab should be respected.
The following properties are required:
- offsetLength
If the conditions in the “If” tab are respected, then the conditions in the “Then” tab should be respected. Otherwise, the conditions in the “Else” tab should be respected.
The following properties are required:
- maxLengthTextToKeep
string Required
The header of the column from which text should be extracted
string Required
The header for the new column that will be populated with extracted data
enum (of string) Required
The strategy to be used when determining how much of the text to extract.
Must be one of:
enum (of string) Required
From where the extraction operation should occur
Must be one of:
The pattern or text to be replaced.
A literal text value to be matched. If the value is the empty string, only empty cells in the input columns will be matched.
string Required
Text to be matched.
True if matching should be case-insensitive, false otherwise.
Regular expression to be matched (in accordance with the java.util.regex engine).
How many characters from the starting point that the extraction should begin.
The max number of characters that should be extracted. No limit if 0 or unspecified.
Invokes a function to transform values.
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersstring Required
The reference to a Plugin resource that contains a desired function.
string Required
The function to invoke.
Finds a specified pattern or text and replaces it with a specified value.
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersarray Required
A list of all the values to match against
Each item of this array must be:
The pattern or text to be replaced.
Same definition as transforms_items_extractText_valueToFindstring Required
The text that will replace all found matches. If the replacement value is the empty string, the transform will clear all values that match the valueToFind.
If true, $ and \ will be treated as special characters.
Adds a new column and populate the column with a static value
string Required
The new column’s header.
string Required
The column value to be added.
Filters rows based on specified conditionals.
enum (of string) Required
The action to perform on rows that satisfy the evaluation of rules.
Must be one of:
- “KEEP”
enum (of string) Required
The combinator connecting all rules.
Must be one of:
- “OR”
- “AND”
array Required
A list of rules to be applied to filter rows.
Must contain a minimum of 1
Each item of this array must be:
A single rule to be applied to filter row.
If the conditions in the “If” tab are respected, then the conditions in the “Then” tab should be respected. Otherwise, the conditions in the “Else” tab should be respected.
The following properties are required:
- conditionalInput
If the conditions in the “If” tab are respected, then the conditions in the “Then” tab should be respected. Otherwise, the conditions in the “Else” tab should be respected.
The following properties are required:
- conditionalInput
string Required
The column header to which to apply the rule.
enum (of string) Required
The conditional to apply. For conditionals that compare values, the value being processed is on the left, and the conditional input is on the right. When data is in the format of numbers or dates in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD), they will be compared as numbers or dates respectively. Otherwise, they will be compared as strings
Must be one of:
The conditional input value to apply the conditional against.
Formats dates of the specified input into yyyy-MM-dd
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersstring
The date format pattern of the input values (in accordance with java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter).
The locale of the input values.
Merges multiple columns together into a new column separated by a specified delimiter.
array of string Required
The names of the columns to merge together.
Each item of this array must be:
The name of the column containing values to merge.
string Required
The new column’s header.
string Required
The delimiter that separates the merged columns’ values.
Split a column into one or more columns based on a specified delimiter.
string Required
The column containing the data that needs to be split.
array of string Required
The names of the columns to split into.
Each item of this array must be:
The name of the column containing split values.
string Required
The delimiter used to split the column’s value into new ones.
Finds empty cells and fills them in with a specified default value.
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersstring Required
The text that will replace all empty cells.
Splits a column into one or more rows based on a specified delimiter.
array of string Required
The headers of the columns containing the values to split.
Each item of this array must be:
The name of the column containing values to split.
string Required
The character on which the values should be split.
Formats times of the specified input into HH:mm:ss
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersstring
The time format pattern of the input values (in accordance with java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter).
The locale of the input values.
Remove the given column(s) from the data set
array of string Required
Remove the given column(s) from the data set
Each item of this array must be:
The column to remove
Converts your Publisher Input Category IDs to Yext Categories
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersenum (of string) Required
The Publisher of your data source
Must be one of:
- “BING”
Duplicate a column to create a new column with the same data.
string Required
The column containing the data that needs to be duplicated.
string Required
The header for the new column that will be populated with duplicated data
Invokes a custom Typescript function to transform an entire row of data.
string Required
The reference to a Plugin resource that contains a desired function.
string Required
The function to invoke.
The Column headers containing the values to map to the specified input Keys in the function.
Each item of this array must be:
The mapping between a key defined in the function and a Column Header within the Connector.
string Required
The Key that your function specifies.
string Required
The Column Header that contains data that maps to the value of the key in your function.
array Required
The Column headers containing the values to map to the specified output Keys in the function.
Each item of this array must be:
The mapping between a key defined in the function and a Column Header within the Connector.
Same definition as transforms_items_functionOnARow_inputMappings_itemsboolean
If true, any columns not specified as part of the output of the function will be dropped from the table.
Specifies the logic driving the conditional execution of a transform on a given row.
object Required
Specifies a set of conditions, and the operator to join them on if more than one condition is present.
enum (of string)
Specifies whether to join conditions via AND or OR logic.
Must be one of:
- “AND”
- “OR”
array of object Required
Specifies the conditions that must be met in order for the transform to be executed on a given row.
Must contain a minimum of 1
Each item of this array must be:
A condition that must be met in order for the transform to be executed.
string Required
The input column containing the value for the condition to meet.
enum (of string) Required
The comparator used when specifying a condition to be met.
Must be one of:
The value to compare the input column to to determine if the condition is met. Column headers may be embedded here.
Adds a column that checks whether a row represents an entity that currently exists in your Knowledge Graph, by returning a value of true or false.
string Required
The column that contains the value for Entity ID.
string Required
The header of your new column that will be populated with true/false values, based on whether the entity ID provided exists or does not exist in your Knowledge Graph.
Convert your data to the JSON AST format to populate fields of type Rich Text v2.
object Required
Specifies which columns should have their values transformed.
Same definition as transforms_items_fixCapitalization_inputHeadersenum (of string) Required
The input format of your data, either HTML or Markdown.
Must be one of:
- “HTML”
The mapping generated by the transformers.
Each item of this array must be:
The mapping generated by the transformers.
string Required
Header of a table.
string Required
The reference to the field resource.
Path to a particular property or list item index. Includes field format settings if applicable.
Same definition as source_baseSelector_subfieldPathenum (of string)
Describes how a list should be updated.
Must be one of:
string Required
object Required
string Required
Path to a particular property or list item index. Includes field format settings if applicable.
Same definition as source_baseSelector_subfieldPathstring Required
boolean Required
The configuration of the field format
The delimiter for the list field.
enum (of string)
The field data format.
Must be one of:
If true, blank values that are mapped to a field will clear existing field content.
The configuration of the run schedule.
The following properties are required:
- useSourceSchedule
The following properties are required:
- customSchedule
Indicates that the Connector should run automatically using the data source’s schedule.
The custom schedule that the Connector will follow. The Connector can be configured to run hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or a custom frequency. Currently, this is only supported for API Connectors.
string Required
The time zone in ISO-8601 Zone-ID to start a run, i.e. America/New_York.
string Required
The local date in ISO format to start scheduling runs, i.e. 2021-01-30.
string Required
The local time in ISO format to start scheduling runs, i.e. 12:00:00.
enum (of string) Required
The schedule config frequency type.
Must be one of:
The repeat interval based off the schedule config frequency type. If unset, a repeat interval of 1 will be used (e.g. every day).
Indicates the run mode.
Must be one of:
Indicates whether the run is a dry run.
The configuration of the set of conditions that will break your run and prevent changes to the Knowledge Graph.
Each item of this array must be:
The configuration for a Run Breaker.
enum (of string) Required
The comparator for your breaker.
Must be one of:
number Required
The numerical bound for your breaker.
Value must be greater or equal to 0
enum (of string) Required
Whether the designated bound represents an absolute or relative (percentage) value.
Must be one of:
object Required
The set of entities to consider when breaking the run. This is either entities in the Run, within a specified Saved Filter, or from the Comprehensive Set.
enum (of string) Required
Must be one of:
The reference to the saved filter resource if entity set type is set to saved filter.
A filter on the number of entities that count toward the Run Breaker. This can be whether an entity is new, existing, present in the source of the run, missing from the Comprehensive Set, OR based on value of a mapped Column Header.
The following properties are required:
- statusFilter
The following properties are required:
- fieldFilter
enum (of string)
Must be one of:
- “NEW”
string Required
The reference to the field resource.
Path to a particular property or list item index. Includes field format settings if applicable.
Same definition as source_baseSelector_subfieldPathenum (of string) Required
The comparator for your field value.
Must be one of:
The value to compare against your field value.
The configuration for running the Connector in Comprehensive Mode.
The following properties are required:
- savedFilter
The following properties are required:
- missingUpdateConfig
enum (of string) Required
The comprehensive set of entities used to determine entities that are missing.
Must be one of:
The reference to the saved filter resources if missing set type is set to ENTITIESINSAVED_FILTER
enum (of string) Required
Specifies whether entities missing from the comprehensive set should be deleted or updated when running the Connector in Comprehensive Mode.
Must be one of:
The configuration to update entities missing from the comprehensive set IF the action is ‘UPDATE’.
An ordered list of selectors to apply and extract from your set of missing entities
Each item of this array must be:
A selector for extracting content.
Same definition as source_baseSelectorobject
Transforms to sequentially apply to data produced by selectors.
Same definition as transformsarray
The mapping of columns to fields in Knowledge Graph
Each item of this array must be:
The mapping generated by the transformers.
Same definition as mappings_itemslinkedConnectorConfigsarray
The list of configurations of linked connectors’ completed run triggering this connector to run.
Each item of this array must be:
The configuration of a linked connector’s completed run triggering this connector to run.
string Required
The reference to the connector whose completed runs will trigger this connector.
object Required
Indicates the run mode.
Same definition as scheduleConfig_runModeobject
Indicates whether the run is a dry run.
Same definition as scheduleConfig_dryRun