Step 1: Install App
Before installing, you’ll want to talk with your Yext Account Team to confirm that you have the proper subscriptions to download. The Datashake Reviews app requires a Review Monitoring subscription for each entity you want to ingest reviews for — specifically a Non-Location Review Monitoring license if you are pulling reviews for apps or other non-location entities. Your Account Team will work with the Reviews Product team to add Review Monitoring licenses to the entities if needed. Keep in mind that if you’d like to receive new reviews on a daily basis (and not weekly), you’ll need your own Datashake account.
How to Install
- Confirm with your CSM that you have bought the licenses required to use this app (see above).
- Navigate to the App Directory and click on the Datashake Reviews App.
- Review the description and installation instructions, and click Install.
- The installation flow will begin in a new window. Read the overview and click Install on Yext.
- Optional: include your Datashake API key. If you do not include an API key, the app will scan reviews on a weekly basis. If you do include a key, new reviews will be pulled on a daily basis.
- Click Add a Configuration and specify which Publisher you wish to pull reviews from.
- Certain publishers will require you to select a Publisher URL Field. Select the entity field that contains the review site URLs corresponding to each entity.
- Select whichever field on your entities contains the appropriate review site URLs, such as
- If no such field exists, you’ll need to create a custom field and populate the URLs manually or via file upload. Follow these guidelines from Datashake when populating the URLs on your entities.
- Other publishers will require you to select a Location Name Field. This is the field that contains the official name of the location from which reviews should be pulled, e.g. Chipotle Mexican Grill (not Chipotle). The name must exactly match the listing on the site you wish to pull from.
- If no such field exists, you’ll need to create a custom field and populate the official location names manually or via file upload.
- Note that these entities must also contain a full address field populated, even though the address is not explicitly asked for in the app.
- Finally, specify which entities to pull reviews for by either selecting an entity type or inputting a saved filter ID.
- If you wish to pull reviews from additional publishers, click Add a Configuration and repeat steps 6-9.
- Click Save Configuration. If you’re adding a new configuration, the review scan will begin immediately; if you’re editing an existing configuration, the scan will occur one week after the previous scan took place.
Additional Details
App Limitations
There are a few limitations currently to be aware of:
- The app does not delete reviews from the Yext platform if they have been deleted from the original review site. Once they’ve been pulled in as a review, they will remain in the platform.
- The app does not update reviews that have been edited on their original review sites. Once the review is pulled in, it remains static in the platform.
- The Apple App Store can only bring in the 500 most recent reviews.
- The Google Play Store can only bring in reviews from the US Google Play Store.
- The app only brings in reviews that have content (it does not bring in reviews that only have star ratings).
Required Subscriptions
- Review Monitoring
- Review Monitoring licenses must be applied to each entity for which you want to pull in reviews from Datashake.
- Sentiment Analysis
- For location publishers, a Review Response subscription is required to activate sentiment analysis for the location.
- For non-location publishers such as the App Stores, sentiment analysis is included with Review Monitoring.
Review Frequency
By default, reviews are pulled in on a weekly basis. If reviews need to be pulled in on a daily basis, clients have the option to input their own API key from Datashake in order to do this.
Review Response
Review response is not supported for Datashake publishers.
Generating Reviews
We can generate reviews for any Publisher that utilizes the Publisher URL Field configuration. As of now, this includes the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
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