Step 1: Request Vendor Export on Olo

If you have already installed either the Olo Menu Connector or Olo Restaurant Connector, you already have access to your Olo Vendor Export and can skip this step.

Olo’s Vendor Export provides an overview of a brand’s location and menu information. Both of Yext’s Olo apps use this export to extract a brand’s information that ultimately gets mapped to restaurant entities and menu ECLs (note that menu items are pulled into Yext as ECLs, not entities!)

Below are the steps to provision access to the Olo’s vendor export:

  1. You should email your Olo CSM to request assistance, with your Yext CSM cc’ed. Your should specify that they need to be provisioned access to your brand’s vendor export. In this email you should also ask for your Olo Internal Name, as this will be required when installing the Olo app.
  2. The Olo CSM will confirm that you have signed a waiver authorizing your data to be sent to Yext. If you have not yet signed a waiver, the Olo CSM will implement and send the waiver, for you to sign and send back to Olo.
  3. The Olo CSM works with the Olo API support team to grant the Yext partner project access to your vendor export.
  4. After the Olo CSM confirms that they have granted vendor export access (this typically does not take more than a day or two), you areready to install the app from the app directory and begin syncing your menus from Olo to Yext!

Note that whenever you add a new restaurant to your Olo account, you should notify your Olo CSM so that they can add the location to the Yext Partner Project. If the location isn’t added, we won’t be able to pull menus or location data from your vendor export.
