Step 3: Activity Log

Aside from the data Yext receives from the Publisher Network, you can also get analytics on the actions that were taken in your account by you or on your behalf.

Some actions include updating the name of a Location, publishing a social post, and so on.

The Activity Log: POST endpoint allows you to generate a report to see what changes were made and by whom.


By default, this request will return the 50 most recent actions taken in your account. You can request up to 200 actions at a time. In addition, you can request actions for a specific Location, of a specific type, made by a specific user, or within a certain date range.

If the request above was successful, you should receive a response like the one below:

  "meta": {
    "uuid": "cbf553e3-08e5-48c6-a032-3540722a891f",
    "errors": []
  "response": {
    "activities": [
        "date": {
          "iMillis": 1476284959000,
          "iChronology": {
            "iBase": {
              "iMinDaysInFirstWeek": 4
        "locationId": "TestLocation1",
        "details": "New Social post on Widgets",
        "content": "Come in for some great deals!",
        "type": "SOCIAL_POST",
        "actor": ""
        "date": {
          "iMillis": 1476284872000,
          "iChronology": {
            "iBase": {
              "iMinDaysInFirstWeek": 4
        "locationId": "TestLocation1",
        "details": "New Social post on Widgets",
        "content": "Call Today",
        "type": "SOCIAL_POST",
        "actor": ""
        "date": {
          "iMillis": 1475703866000,
          "iChronology": {
            "iBase": {
              "iMinDaysInFirstWeek": 4
        "locationId": "1231611",
        "details": "Staff Bios field updated",
        "content": "",
        "type": "PROFILE_UPDATE",
        "actor": "Employee"

Some of the actions returned include a profile update and creating new social posts. You may also see actions taken by an API user or by a specific user through the Yext UI. All of these records are to help you better understand the changes made to your data and by what party.