Configuration | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • What you can do on the Listings Configuration screen


When you launch your listings, you’ll specify your settings for how you want publishers to handle updating and creating your listings moving forward. These settings live under Listings > Configuration in the navigation bar.

Listings Configuration screen

Configuration Settings

The settings here will apply to all listings on your Yext account. They include:

  • Alternate Brand Names: specify any alternate names your business goes by, if you use them
  • Automatically Opt-In: choose whether any new listings should go live on a certain publisher
  • Update Listings: choose whether each publisher should automatically update your listings
  • Create Listings: choose whether each publisher should automatically create new listings for you

You can configure these settings for Google, Facebook, Apple, Bing, Yelp, Generative AI publishers, and the extended publisher network.

Keep Learning

For more details on specific settings, see the Listings Configuration reference.

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    What settings can you manage on Listings Configuration? (Select all that apply)

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