Events | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • What you can do on the Events screen


Listings for events behave a little differently than for other entity types. This is because unlike other business listings, event listings are temporary — after the event takes place, the listing no longer needs to be updated or synced to publishers.

Events are a less common type of listing. If your account uses event listings in Yext, you’ll see a separate Events screen in your navigation bar under Listings.


Event listings screen

The Events page works similarly to the Publishers and All Listings pages:

  • All event listings are displayed in a table.
  • You can filter events by publisher, status, issues and other entity criteria
  • You can click individual events to see more details or address issues

Keep Learning

For more on creating event listings, see the Event Listings unit.

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    Why are event listings managed separately from other types of listings?

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