Event Listings Screen | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • How to navigate the Events Listing screen

What is the Event Listings Screen

This screen is your listing by listing breakdown for all of your Event Network Listings. This behaves in many of the same ways as the All Listings screen, just about different entity types and a few small functionality differences.

This is your command center for your Event Listings, from which you can do things like export your Listings, view Listing statuses, delete Event Listings or remove service from Listings.

events listing screen

How to Navigate the Events Listings Screen

The Event Listings screen has a top-filter instead of a left filter in order to give you more screen space to review the details table.

Each row represents a unique Entity and Publisher combination and contains important content:

  • Publisher: The site that the event is being synced to.
  • Core Entity Information: This is the entity that is being synced to the listing.
  • Status: This is the status of the listing.
  • Issues: If a listing is Unavailable, you’ll see the issues identified here. You can hover over the information icon to learn more.
  • Action Button: This surfaces what Yext considers the most important action for that row. If a listing is Live, it should say “View Listing”; otherwise, it will present you with another actionable option.

Just like Locations, you can Export your Events data. Oftentimes, you might want to promote these URLs in email campaigns, mobile apps or other marketing programs to drive event attendance. Just like Locations, this information is also available in our APIs, which you can learn more about on our Documentation Page .

actions on events screen

Best Practices

Come here to see the details of your Events listings and make sure everything is up and running before the Event’s time. You should take note of any unavailable listings or issue warnings. For example, for some publishers there are additional actions you need to take on the publisher site, like setting up ticketing for EventBrite. This should be surfaced on this screen.

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    Error Success Question 1 of 2

    Which of the following can you see on the Events Listings screen? (Select all that apply)

    Error Success Question 2 of 2

    If you needed to take additional action on your Listings, like set up ticketing for Eventbrite, where would you see this information reflected?

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