Understanding and Taking Action on Not Synced Listings | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • What not synced listings are and how they are categorized
  • An understanding of not synced details and how to view them
  • How to take action to sync listings that are not synced

Not Synced Listings and Status Details

If your Listings are Synced, then that’s great! But what if they’re not? What can you do about it? In this unit, you’ll learn when and how you can take action to improve your Listing Statuses.

If your listing is not Synced, your Listing will have the status Not Synced. This means that there was an issue fully syncing your data to the given publisher.

All listings that aren’t synced will have more details about why that listing is not synced in the Status Details column.

It’s also possible that your Listing is Synced, but there was a minor issue that prevented us from syncing a specific part of your data. If this happens, these Listings will appear as synced, but will have information in the Status Details column. So, instead of blocking your entire sync, we’ll send the publisher all of your data, except the field causing the issue, and then tell you about the field with an error in the Listings table.

For example, in this table, you’ll see that the Turtlehead Tacos listing in New York is Not Synced. This location has an incorrect value for a mandatory field, Category, which prevents any data from syncing at all to Citysearch. The Houston location is Synced, but you’ll notice the Status Details column has an issue — turns out that the maximum character length on tellows is much shorter than the description provided. Yext will surface this kind of information to you when it thinks it’s important enough to flag, warning in the Status Details column.

example unavailable warning

You can filter for listings with warnings by adding a filter to the All Listings page. Select the filter option for Warning and choose the radio button for Yes.

unavailable warning filter

Not Synced Types

In order to make it easier for you and us to fix listings that aren’t synced, we’ve categorized them for you. We have two types of categorizations:

  1. Actionability
  2. Issue Type

For all Not Synced listings, we will indicate whether it’s something that is:

  • Yext Actionable: This is an issue that can be fixed by our internal teams. For example, if there’s a publisher-side technical issue, that listing will be Yext actionable because our team must fix the listing via our technical Publisher contacts. If a listing falls into this state, you should rest assured that our team is already looking into it.
  • Customer Actionable: This is an issue that must be fixed by the customer, likely because it’s related to a Linked Account that needs to be authenticated or a data issue that needs to be fixed. While we can suggest how to fix the data issue, it’s important that you own your data. We’ll work with you on solving these.
  • Not Actionable: Some listings just aren’t meant to be fixed! This categorization is reserved for listings that just weren’t meant to be. For example, if you are a service area business that has decided to hide your address on your Listings, certain sites won’t be synced as they require a visible street address to display business, and it doesn’t make sense for you to be listed on that site. You shouldn’t worry about these!

You can filter for Actionability by adding a filter to the All Listings page. Select the filter option for Actionable and choose the radio button for Yes.

actionable listing filter

Now the Listings table will filter to only show listings that aren’t synced and are actionable by you.

We also categorize all Actionable Not Synced listings by Status Details, which can be one of the following:

  • Data Issue: There is an issue with the data you have stored in the platform. This usually means that one or more of the fields attempted to sync were missing or invalid.
  • Duplicate Listing: The publisher has determined there is already a similar listing on their site.
  • Existing Relationship: This indicates that you already have a paid relationship with the publisher directly.
  • Linked Account Issue: Some publishers require you to link an account in order to sync with Yext, so the account may not be linked, or may need to be relinked.
  • Matching Issue: We were unable to match to a listing on the publisher site, or the listing has already been suppressed.
  • Pending Review: We matched to a Listing, but the Listing is pending additional review by the publisher before updates can be made.
  • Publisher Error: There was an issue syncing to the publisher’s database. Sometimes, this error may also appear on Live listings, as the issue only affects one data field, so we will continue to sync the fields that are not affected. Yext will always be aware of these issues, and monitor the situation while we work towards a solution.
  • Publisher Limitation: The listing is not synced due to a limitation on the publisher’s end where they do not support the type of business on their site. For example, some publishers do not support service-area businesses, or may not list businesses with certain categories.
  • Suspended Listing: The listing has been suspended, or marked as closed, on a publisher site.
  • Verification: This indicates that the listing is pending verification from the publisher.

You can filter for one or more issue types by using the filter on the All Listings page. Select the filter option for Status Detail and choose any issues you wish to filter to:

unavailable type filter

Now, the Listings table will filter to only show listings that aren’t synced that match the selected types.

Understanding Not Synced Status Details

When viewing and troubleshooting the Status Details of a Not Synced listing, the important thing to understand is why a listing is Not Synced, and if there is any additional action you need to take to resolve the issue.

We just outlined some issue types, most of which are actionable. However, there are a subset of Unactionable Listings that, for the most part, aren’t meant to be fixed and are Not Synced for a specific reason. This Unactionable categorization is reserved for listings that aren’t necessarily intended to sync to a publisher. So, the first thing you will want to do is view the specific reason why the listing is not synced on that publisher.

Common Not Synced Reasons and How to Fix them

Below are a few examples of common Not Synced reasons and what you can do to fix them so your listings can be synced.

Example 1: “We are unable to locate your address and place it on the map.”

How to Resolve:

  1. Click Verify Data to navigate to your entity.
  2. Ensure that the Address is entered and formatted correctly. Check the map marker and ensure the Display Map Marker is placed on the center of where your location sits on the map.
  3. Save any changes.

Example 2: “A valid phone number is required before we can sync your listing.”

How to Resolve:

  1. Click Verify Data to navigate to your entity.
  2. Ensure that the Main Phone field is filled out with the correct phone country code prefix.
  3. Save any changes.

Example 3: “You must link a valid account to sync your listing.”

How to Resolve:

  1. Click Verify Linked Account to navigate to the Linked Accounts page in Account Settings.
  2. Click Link Account to add a new user account for the affected publisher.

Example 4: “This entity does not have a profile in any required locale.”

How to Resolve: The publisher requires data to be in a certain local language.

  1. Click “Verify Data” to navigate to your entity.
  2. Add a new language profile based on the language the publisher requires. To learn more about how to add a new language profile, please visit the Managing Language Profiles unit.
  3. Save any changes.

Once you make these updates, the information should sync to the publisher site and the listing will be synced.

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    How do you find more details about a Not Synced listing?

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    What would you do if you saw a Listing was marked as Not Synced with the ‘Data Issue’ Status Detail? (Select all that apply)

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