Build and Deploy Your Directory Frontend | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will:

  • Learn how your entity tree powers templates in your Pages repo
  • Create a new home page using your Root entity
  • Learn how to update your DM config, and re-run the DM to update your tree
  • Update your templates to use the saved filters created by the DM
  • Update your location.tsx file to power your Breadcrumbs component

Now that the Directory Manager is actively powering a tree in your Knowledge Graph, let’s update your Pages code to incorporate that data. By the end of this unit, you will have a full location directory website up and running.

Update Your Templates

Your root.tsx, state.tsx, city.tsx, and location.tsx templates have some code commented out that you will need to add back to add breadcrumbs and directory grids to your pages.

Take a look at city.tsx. Uncomment the code that is commented out in the TemplateConfig and transformProps. After you’re done, you code should look like this:

export const config: TemplateConfig = {
  stream: {
    $id: "city-stream",
    filter: {
      entityTypes: ["ce_city"],
    fields: [
      // These fields will be used in Module 5 of the Hitchhikers Pages Track:
    localization: {
      locales: ["en"],

// getPath, getRedirects, and getHeadConfig are excluded in this sample for brevity

// transformProps will be used in Module 5 of the Hitchhikers Pages Track:
export const transformProps: TransformProps<any> = async (data) => {
  const { dm_directoryParents_us_directory, name } = data.document;

  (dm_directoryParents_us_directory || []).push({ name: name, slug: "" });

  return {,
    document: {,
      dm_directoryParents: dm_directoryParents_us_directory,

Repeat this process for state.tsx, location.tsx, and root.tsx. Note that root.tsx does not have a transformProps function.

Note, this code snippet assumes that your Directory Manager configuration ID is us-directory, per the instructions in the previous unit . If your DM ID differs, you will need to update the code snippet above accordingly to reference your specific dm_directoryParents_[dm_ID] field.

Preview Your Site Locally

Let’s take a look your site locally. Because the DM created a tree in your Knowledge Graph, there are now entities that meet the stream filter criteria in your root.tsx, state.tsx, and city.tsx templates.

Let’s see these templates in action. Navigate back to your code editor, and start up your local dev server by running:

npm run dev

Once the command is finished, Yext will spin up the Pages Development page in your browser. You will notice several new types of entity pages were generated for the root, state, and city entities. These pages were generated based on the new entities that exist in your Knowledge Graph.

DM local dev page

Let’s navigate through your website and look at an example of each page.

  1. First, click on your Root page (http://localhost:5173/root.html). The information on this page comes directly from your Root entity in Knowledge Graph, displaying a full list of states within which there are Locations.
    1. This is powered by the DirectoryRootGrid.tsx component.
    2. The data that powers this component comes from the following fields in your Root TemplateConfig:
      • dm_directoryChildren.slug
      • dm_directoryChildren.c_addressRegionDisplayName
      • dm_directoryChildren.dm_childEntityIds
  2. Next, click on New York. This will take you to a State page, which displays all the data from your New York (state) entity.
    1. This is powered by the DirectoryStateGrid.tsx component.
    2. The data that powers this component comes from the following fields in your State TemplateConfig:
      • dm_directoryParents_us_directory.slug
      • dm_directoryChildren.slug
      • dm_directoryChildren.dm_childEntityIds
      • dm_childEntityIds
    3. You will also notice there are breadcrumbs on this page, providing easy navigation back to your root page. This is powered by the Breadcrumbs.tsx component.
  3. Next, click on New York (city). This will take you to a City page, which displays all Location entities that are based in that city.
    1. This is powered by the DirectoryCityGrid.tsx component.
    2. The data that powers this component comes from the following fields in your City TemplateConfig:
      • dm_directoryParents_us_directory.slug
      • dm_directoryParents_us_directory.c_addressRegionDisplayName
      • dm_directoryChildren.address
      • dm_directoryChildren.mainPhone
      • dm_directoryChildren.slug

Let’s make a few updates to your code to ensure your directory site is production-ready!

Update Your Home Page

Currently, your index page (e.g. home page) is powered by static.tsx in your src/templates folder. Let’s replace our home page with our root page. To do that, we will replace static.tsx.

  1. First, delete the static.tsx file from your project. If you go back to http://localhost:5173/index.html. Your index page will 404 for now, but that is expected.
  2. Next, you will need to update the slug for your Root entity from root.html to index.html.
    • As outlined in our Paths and Slugs reference article, each of your templates exports a getPath, which controls the URL paths at which your pages are accessible. As a best practice for Stream Templates, we recommend returning the slug field to power this value.
    • In your Yext account, navigate back to Knowledge Graph > Entities, and locate your root entity. Update the slug field on your entity profile to index.html.
  3. Viola! If you re-load http://localhost:5173/index.html, you’ll notice that your index page is now being powered by your root entity. Now you can navigate through your entire directory from your home page. In making this change, we’ve successfully improved the navigability from your home page significantly.

Update Your Saved Filters

Next, to ensure your Pages site accurately reflects your entity tree, we recommend powering your Stream templates using saved filters (as opposed to entity types).

As a reminder from the last unit , the Directory Manager automatically creates a saved filter for each level of your tree. These saved filters help to ensure that your frontend only generates pages for data based on your “US Directory” tree.

The reason we want to do this is because the stream.filter objects in your DM templates (root, state, and city) are currently based on entityTypes. It’s technically possible for your account to have multiple entity trees, with overlapping entity types at one time; therefore, the entityTypes filter is too general. Let’s go ahead and make this change.

  1. Open up your Yext Account in your browser, and navigate to the Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Saved Filters page. You should see three saved filters based on your US Directory.

    DM saved filters

  2. Open up root.tsx file, update the filter object to the following, and save your changes:

    export const config: TemplateConfig = {
      stream: {
        $id: "root-stream",
        filter: {
          savedFilterIds: ["dm_us-directory"], // new
        ... // truncated for clarity
  3. Open up state.tsx file, update the filter object to the following, and save your changes:

    export const config: TemplateConfig = {
      stream: {
        $id: "state-stream",
        filter: {
          savedFilterIds: ["dm_us-directory_address_region"], // new
        ... // truncated for clarity
  4. Open up city.tsx file, update the filter object to the following, and save your changes:

    export const config: TemplateConfig = {
      stream: {
        $id: "city-stream",
        filter: {
          savedFilterIds: ["dm_us-directory_address_city"], // new
        ... // truncated for clarity
  5. After making these changes, you will not notice any visual differences in the number of pages generated, or the pages themselves. However, this is a best practice to keep your entity tree and Pages frontend in lockstep!

Deploy to Yext

Now that your site looks good, let’s commit your changes to GitHub and publish these changes to your production site.

If you need help with deployment, refer to our deployment module for a refresher on that process.

Make sure to check for errors in the deployment screen. If you encounter any URL collision errors, make sure that your directory templates are not generating any of the same URLs.

Now that you are deployed, you have a powerful and attractive directory to help page viewers navigate your business offerings with ease!

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