Introduction to Review Response Approvals | Yext Hitchhikers Platform
What You’ll Learn
In this section, you will learn:
- Introduction to Yext’s Review Response Approvals
- Common Review Response Approvals use cases
Introduction to Review Response Approvals
Review Response is often a process that has more than a single stakeholder. Review Response Approvals provide functionality to allow users to suggest responses which must be approved by another user with permission before the response is actually submitted.
When a user with the “Suggester” permissions replies to a review, this reply will be added to a queue of pending responses. Users with “Approval” permission can then accept or reject the request.
These approvals make it easy to collaborate and get responses in front of the teams that need to see them.
Common Review Response Approvals Use Cases
Local user responses to be approved by regional managers - Review Response Approvals can be used if a regional manager wants to scale their review responses to the local teams (such as local managers, agents, doctors) but still wants to maintain control over the responses.
Franchisee responses to be approved by corporate - Review Response Approvals can be used if a corporate team wants to provide franchisees with review response capabilities but still wants to maintain brand control.
Responses in highly regulated industries to be approved by the legal department - Review Response Approvals can be used if a regulated business wants to scale their review responses but need to have legal approval on all reviews to ensure compliance.