Review Generation Settings | Yext Hitchhikers Platform

What You’ll Learn

In this section, you will learn:

  • Settings to optimize review generation invites
  • How to control contact frequency
  • How to use Yext’s first-party review quarantine

Review Generation Settings and Managing First Party Reviews

There are a number of Review Generation settings that you can configure to match your goals when it comes to sending invitations.

These settings are accessible by navigating to Reviews > Generation > Settings.

Setting Detail Notes
Daily Email Invitation Limit 0-200 per entity per day There’s a global account limit to how many review email invites can go out per day. Use this to make sure that no single location uses up all of the resources.
Daily SMS Invitation Limit 0-20 per entity per day There’s a global account limit to how many review text invites can go out per day. Use this to make sure that no single location uses up all of the resources.
Monthly SMS Invitation Limit 0-80 per entity per month Like the daily SMS limit above, there is also a monthly global account limit.
Maximum Contact Frequency Once, Once Every 7 Days, Once Every 30 Days, Once Every 60 Days, or Once Every 90 days
Applies to All Entities, Applies Per Entity
Make sure that you do not contact a single customer more than once in a certain time period, even if they’ve triggered multiple invites. Selecting ‘Once’ will ensure that you will never send more than one review invitation to each customer. You can choose to apply this setting universally to all entities or make it specific to each entity.
Enable 1st Party Submission Pages Enabled / Disabled This gives you the ability to enable or disable the unique 1st Party Review webpage that customers can visit to leave you reviews.
Quarantine New 1st Party Reviews 0-120 days This gives you and your team time to review or escalate a review internally before they go live on your website / widget. You can choose to publish a review sooner than that, report as spam, or wait for the quarantine to expire.
Require Invitations for First Party Reviews Enabled / Disabled If enabled, requests to submit reviews via API will only be accepted if an Invitation UID is included in the request body.
Review Generation Privacy Policy Your own URL Enter your own privacy policy URL. This privacy policy URL will appear on the review generation request page for your consumers, in emails, etc.

Note: Healthcare brands will also need to select their desired HIPAA setting. The options include omitting PHI in reviews or removing reviews with PHI completely. This setting can be found in the Compliance section of Account Settings.

Quarantine New First Party Reviews

One setting that is important to dig a little deeper into is the “Quarantine New 1st Party Reviews.” This allows you to choose a 0-120 day review quarantine period for all newly generated reviews; giving you and your team time to view or escalate a review internally before it is published to your website.

A quarantine period is particularly important because first-party reviews do not go through the same review process as third-party reviews on a publisher site.

New first-party reviews will be marked with a Quarantined status for the duration of the quarantine period you select and show the number of quarantine days left. There are several actions you can take on quarantined reviews in the dropdown:

  • Respond: Respond to the review if you want to engage with the customer
  • Change Status to Live: If no action is needed, you can choose to publish a review sooner by manually changing the status to live. The status will automatically change to live once the quarantine expires.
  • Email: Share the review with others via email
  • Remove: If you have permissions to remove a review, you can do so here.
  • Flag for Removal: If you don’t have permission to remove a review directly, you can still flag a review to be removed by the Yext team.

quarantined review

Flagging and Removing Reviews

There is no screening comprehensive process like there may be on certain publisher sites. You’ll find that some first-party reviews may be unrelated to the location or contain inappropriate content or spam. Based on your user permissions, you may have the ability to remove the review directly. If not, you can flag it for review by Yext.

When you are removing or flagging a review, you select from a list of guidelines that the review has violated. This will look slightly different based on whether you are removing or flagging a review, but the possible reasons you can select are the same.

modal to flag a review

modal to flag a review

Reviews can be removed or flagged during the quarantine period so that they never make it to your website. However, if you do not catch a review during the quarantine period, they can still be removed or flagged at any point in their lifecycle. If the review is flagged during quarantine it will remain in that state until the flag request has been reviewed.

Once a review is removed or flagged it will be unpublished immediately. For flagged reviews, members of the Yext team will review the flag request, and either remove it if it violates any of these guidelines, or they will reinstate it to its pre-flagged status if it does not violate the guidelines.

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    Error Success Question 1 of 3

    Which page should you navigate to in order to update Review Generation settings?

    Error Success Question 2 of 3

    True or False: In Review Generation Settings you can control how frequently you contact your customers.

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    What is the maximum length of time you can quarantine a first-party review?

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