Apply Entity Template

Hi there

i’m trying to:
apply the Seasonal Content template to the next holiday season for all restaurant entities (Modul 12 \ Modul Assessment)

What i’ve tried:

  1. I have the template created
  2. Select all restaurants and click on edit (should be 57)
  3. Click on apply template
  4. Choose seasonal content (featured message)
  5. Where do i apply it now?

I don’t see any apply or save option.

Thanks in advance and kind regards

Hi Dorian,

Welcome to the community!

From the screenshot you’ve posted, it looks like you’re in the Edit Template screen instead of the Apply Template screen, which should look like the below:

For a refresher, check out the video in the Entity Type Overview Unit here: Entity Template Overview | Hitchhikers - starting at the 1:30 mark, you’ll see the flow of selecting an entity (in your case, bulk selecting to edit), hitting Apply Template, selecting the fields in the template you want, then applying.

Let me know if this helps!

hi afarooque

thank you very much for your help. i tried it as you described.

shame on me - i over read the information “you get to pick the date!”.

but i made it work now :slight_smile:

thanks again and a lovely day
kind regards

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