Changes to Entities & Language Profiles Live API Endpoints

Starting February 8th, 2021, Yext will no longer support unresolved embedded field placeholder labels in Live API responses. Furthermore, Yext will no longer support unrendered language profiles that only contain language-specific fields for the requested language in Live API responses.

This post outlines the query parameters that will be deprecated for impacted Live API endpoints, as well as updates to the behavior of the impacted Live API endpoints.

Deprecation of resolvePlaceholders Query Parameter

Currently in certain Live API endpoints, the resolvePlaceholders query parameter enables users to choose whether or not all embedded fields should be resolved in an Entity response (e.g. “Your [[CITY]] store” vs. “Your Fairfax store”). If the parameter is unspecified, the response will contain unresolved embedded field placeholder labels.

On February 8th, 2021, Yext will be deprecating the resolvePlaceholders query parameter across all relevant Live API endpoints. Yext will also be changing the default behavior of these endpoints such that entity responses will always contain resolved embedded field values instead of unresolved embedded field placeholder labels.

Below are the Live API endpoints in which the resolvePlaceholders query parameter will be deprecated:

  • Entities: List
  • Entities: Get
  • Entities: GeoSearch
  • Entities Schema: Get
  • Locations (Legacy): List
  • Locations (Legacy): Get
  • Locations (Legacy): GeoSearch
  • Language Profiles (Legacy): List
  • Language Profiles (Legacy): Get

Deprecation of rendered Query Parameter

Currently in certain language profile-related Live API endpoints, the rendered query parameter enables users to choose whether the response should include the full entity profile (including data that remains the same across languages) or only overridable or language-specific fields for the requested language. In addition, in non-legacy Live API endpoints, the parameter also provides the same behavior as the resolvePlaceholders query parameter, outlined above. If the parameter is unspecified, the response will only contain overridable or language-specific fields for the requested language, and will contain unresolved embedded field placeholder labels in non-legacy Live API endpoints.

On February 8th, 2021, Yext will be deprecating the rendered query parameter across all relevant Live API endpoints. Yext will also be changing the default behavior of these endpoints such that language profile responses will always contain the full entity profile for the requested language, including data that remains the same across languages. Yext will also be changing the default behavior of non-legacy endpoints such that responses will always contain resolved embedded field values instead of unresolved embedded field placeholder labels.

Below are the Live API endpoints in which the rendered query parameter will be deprecated:

  • Entity Language Profiles: Get
  • Entity Language Profiles: List
  • Entity Language Profiles: List All
  • Language Profiles (Legacy): List
  • Language Profiles (Legacy): Get

What You Need To Do

Prior to February 8th, 2021, review your Live API integrations to ensure that the rendered and resolvePlaceholders query parameters are no longer being set when calling the API. Also, be sure to review your Live API integrations to ensure that there are no dependencies on unresolved embedded field placeholder labels or language profiles only containing language-specific fields.


If you have any questions about this change, please contact your Customer Success Manager or our API support team .