Update to Entity Label Configuration as Code Resources | Effective 9/30

On September 30th, 2021, Yext will be updating the $id property for all existing Entity Label Configuration Resources.

Any existing values for the $id property in Entity Label resources will be overridden. This update will only impact the $id property in Entity Label resources; all other Entity Label properties (including display names) will be unaffected. Note that all Entity and Entity Template Configuration resources that reference Entity Label resources by ID will be updated to reflect the relevant updated Entity Label IDs.

This update will not impact any existing API integrations.

What You Need To Do

This update will not materially impact any existing API integrations or any existing account configurations. However, if you have an account’s configuration / solution template saved outside of the Yext platform, you may need to update it so that it remains in sync with any existing related accounts.

If you have an account configuration saved locally or in an external repository, we recommend that you re-pull your account’s configuration resources to reflect the updates after they are applied on September 30th, 2021. More information on how to pull the resources from your account can be found here.


If you have any questions about this change, please contact your account team, the HH Community, or Yext Support.