Cluster Performance (Summer '21 Release)

Understanding what customers are searching for is the key to optimizing a search experience. In the Summer ‘21 Release we’re introducing Cluster Performance, which will make it easier for admins to optimize their search experience at scale.

Cluster Performance automatically categorizes each cluster into four groups based on Size and Quality:

  1. Needs Attention - Large Cluster
  2. Needs Attention - Small Cluster
  3. Performing Well - Small Cluster
  4. Performing Well - Large Cluster

This makes it easier than ever to not only see what your users are searching for but also understand how those clusters are performing so you can focus your attention on the clusters you need to improve.

Here’s how we define Size and Quality:

  • A cluster is considered Large if it represents more than 10% of total searches.
  • A cluster is considered Performing Well if it has a click-through rate greater than or equal to 30%.

These clusters are available both in the Search Term Clusters screen, as well as in Report Builder.