Geomodifier and Neighborhood Knowledge Graph Fields

There have been some questions in the community around the Geomodifier and Neighborhood Knowledge Graph fields for location entities. Hopefully this post can provide some clarity—let us know if you have any questions!


In general, geomodifiers are location names that are included in the Name field on listings or pages. They can be formatted differently depending on the publisher or page. For example, as [Business Name] ([Geomodifier]), like on this Facebook listing:


You might also see the name formatted like:

  • Elevation Burger – Falls Church, VA
  • Elevation Burger of Falls Church, VA

Geomodifiers can be designated by a business uniquely for each location, and are often the city, region, shopping center, mall, or a different location descriptor.

We highly recommend users NOT include a geomodifier in the Business Name field in the Knowledge Graph. Many publishers, including Google and Apple, do not accept geomodifiers and may suspend listings that do not follow their naming guidelines. It is best practice to use the Knowledge Graph’s Geomodifier field so Yext can sync it with publishers that do support it.

For some accounts, there may be more than one Geomodifier field.

Business Details > Geomodifier:

  • This field is automatically included for location entities, and it syncs out to listings. N.B. Not every publisher supports the Geomodifier field.

Custom Field > Geomodifier:

  • This field is commonly created for clients with Pages. We would recommend users leverage the existing Geomodifier field, if possible, to avoid confusion.


This field, also found in the Business Details section of the Knowledge Graph, does not sync to listings/any publishers. However, users might find this field useful for internal location management purposes, like if they have a neighborhood field they store internally and also want to store in Yext for more address granularity. Another use case might be to leverage the Neighborhood field for Pages.

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