Google Posts strategy

Dear all,

We are looking for ways to increase the awareness of our stores and we started to use Google Posts in a recurrent way.
After Google deprecated the metrics related to Posts, we have the impression that this functionality is a bit abandoned.

My question is:
Does it really make sense to continue publishing posts or there are better ways to focus on SEO for my store listings?
Is there any roadmap for Google Posts planned? It sounds strange to me to delete the metrics.


Hi @Gonzalo_Solla_Bielsa ,

Great question! Social media is increasingly where consumers today are going to discover new brands and explore a business’s offering. If your goal is to increase awareness of your stores, social posting (not only to Google, but also to other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram) is a great place to start. We have a good number of roadmap items to expand our social offering.

If your focus is on SEO for Google specifically, we also publish blogs whenever there are Google updates that we foresee could impact our customers’ listings. (see Yext Blog | News and Stories from Yext | Yext).