This summer, we’ve made it even easier for users to stay up to speed with what’s going on in their account. In-platform notifications provide real-time alerts for important account events, ensuring timely updates within the platform when users need them most.
Now, from within the platform, you can easily see everything you missed since the last time you logged in, or see what’s happening elsewhere in the platform in real-time.
To take advantage of in-platform notifications, users will need to enable the Winter ‘22 Release: In-Platform Notifications (Preview) feature within their account.
Once the notification panel is opened, select a notification to get more information, click to expand grouped notifications, mark messages as read, or leave as unread to address later.
For now, in-platform notifications will work according to the same settings as those configured for email notifications. This means that users who opt-in will receive the same notifications in-platform as they do over email, excluding Analytics notifications and some Listings notifications. In a future release, we will support a dedicated UI for in-platform notifications management, as well as full coverage of Listings notifications.
Note: This feature is currently available as a Preview Feature. Click here to learn more about Yext’s Preview Feature program, and to see which Preview Features are currently available.
For additional details on how in-platform notifications works, visit our In-Platform Notification reference doc.