JS Version 1.5.0 Release

Updates :call_me_hand:

Query Rules

This version offers support for query rules! You can learn more about how to set up query rules in this module. A quick summary of how the SDK was updated to support this feature:

  • Referrer Page URL. A new query parameter referrerPageUrl in the answers URL will allow users to use referrer page information when constructing query rules.
  • Context. Users can set context for the experience. This context can be used to construct query rules. This manifests as the query parameter context . Users can use the new ANSWERS.setContext function.

FilterOptions Styling

  • FilterOptions now has a css variables for checkmark colors. Users can set the checkmark color with the variable --yxt-filter-options-checkmark-color and the checkbox outline color on focus with --yxt-filter-options-checkbox-focus-color .
  • See below bug fix on default checkmark color


  • UniversalResults now has a top-level appliedFilters config. Users can change appliedFilters across all verticals.
  • Expose FilterNodeFactory: Users can now more easily interact with our filter node system.
  • Various circleci changes for engineering development improvements

Bug Fixes :bug:

  • FilterOptions checkmarks are now yxt-color-brand-primary instead of yxt-color-hover.