Knowledge Graph - Module 18 - Final Challenge Preview not an Option

I’m stuck on the final assessment for Knowledge Graph’s Track in Module 18 about Customizing Field Sections. Even following the procedure listed to customize entity previews, the screen shown in the customize entity previews is not the screen that appears in the final challenge when clicking through Entity Type > Restaurant > View Details. I asked some other people to check their challenges for me and the same thing happened to them. Wondering if anyone has found this?

Hi Samantha, and welcome to the Community!

I have turned this feature on in your account, so you should see all of the relevant screens to complete this challenge.

We have fixed this for new challenges — but you mentioned that other people had the same issue. If they have open challenges that are experiencing the same issue they can navigate to Accounts Settings > Account Features within their challenge account and turn on Spring '21: New Knowledge Graph Search & Entity Previews (early access) in the “Early Access Features” section.

That should fix it, but if anything else comes up let us know!

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