Knowledge Graph module 8 Data Connectors Assessment

Hi All - first time posting here… I am having a similar issue with completing the assessment for Module 9. Here are the steps/results:

  1. I added the crawler (no problem).
  2. I added a data connector for help articles built on top of your web crawler (no problem)
  3. I mapped everything and it all validated.

But when I run the connector, 3 pages worked and 2 didn’t. The error message I get in the entity_diagnostics.csv is " Name field is required for entities of this type."

This means that for some reason on 2 of the pages, the system didn’t find the tags. I checked they are there.

I am stuck and not able to get past this step. I have done it twice and both times, only 3 of the 5 entities get created.

Not sure what to do next. Any help will be very much appreciated!

Here are some screen caps:

Hmmm… I decided to go through the steps again and this time it worked. I guess three’s a charm.

It still doesn’t make sense that all the fields would validate and then 2 out of 5 fail, but now I am off to Module 10.

Merry Christmas!

Hi @Caroline_Gould

Are you able to please point me in the right direction on where I’m going wrong?

This is my result:


Hi @Laura_Whitehouse - I’m not seeing any Hitchhikers challenge accounts currently associated with your Hitchhikers user email address. Can you please send a link to the challenge account you’re working from?


Thanks @Katja_Ritchie Here is it Hitchhikers

Thanks Laura - it looks like this is a new challenge account that does not yet have any of the challenge steps completed. (The first step is to create the crawler, but navigating to Knowledge Graph > Configuration > Crawlers shows a blank page with no crawlers created.)

Can you confirm the ID of your challenge account? You should see it in the URL when you are logged into the account (for example: