Listings Opening Soon Options

Hey Team,

I have a question regarding best practice when dealing with “Opening Soon” locations without a specific Opening Date. In my case they already provided hours of service as well, but I guess this applies for businesses that don’t have hours set yet and are not open too.

If a client has stores that are not open yet (but will be in the future), what is the best route to indicate this? Is it better to set all of the hours to “Closed” (and have them update the correct hours later down the line) or should I keep the hours what they provided and make the “Temporarily Closed” field be set to a random date in the future?

Thanks and let me know what you think is best practice!

Hi Tyler, and welcome to the Community!

This is a great question, and we actually have a resource that is dedicated to this specific topic, specifically for Google My Business — Add Future Opening Dates to Locations on Google My Business.

This article walks through the steps to add the opening date (it can just be month and year, as you mentioned there is no specific date yet in your particular scenario). It also includes some best practices about what other information to add to the Knowledge Graph, as well as what fields Google will publish to the listing ahead of the open date.

Let us know if this article helps, or if you have any other questions!