Module 6 - Assessment

Hello, I am unable to complete the challenge because I cannot respond to reviews that are outside of the first-party reviews.

Whether it’s for Yelp, GMB, TripAdvisor, or FB, this is the error message that appears.

How do I remedy this to complete the challenge?

Having the same issue! Any tips would be appreciated.

Thanks both for reaching out!

This is a known issue, and we are currently working on a fix. In the meantime, Annika, I have pushed a manual fix to your challenge account, so you should now be able to respond to any review on a Google listing. Let me know if you see this in your account, or if you’re still having issues.

Bianca - did you complete steps 2 and 3 in the challenge instructions? From looking at your challenge account it seems like the 5 restaurant entities still need the Reviews subscription added before the reviews can be pulled into the account.

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Hello Caroline,

Thanks so much for reaching out and manually allowing me to respond to Google Reviews.
I just finished the challenge and was able to finally earn my Review Badge!

Thanks so much!

Have a great one :smile:


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