Multiple entity types in a single vertical - searchable fields


I can’t seem to find this explicitly stated in the docs anywhere, so I just want to make sure.

I know that I can create a single vertical for multiple entity types, but it seems that only fields shared by both entity types are searchable, is this correct?

Obviously, I know this sounds like a problem that a universal search would solve (just create a separate vertical for each entity type and use a universal search to search across both) but the limiting factor for us is that universal search doesn’t support static filters (which still perplexes me). So, I wanted to attempt to replicate a universal search within a single vertical but I’m not sure I want to try and create a “combined” entity type.

Hi @Brett_Sherwood,

If you create a vertical that searches multiple entity types, you can set any fields as searchable. They do not need to be fields shared by both entity types.

There are cases where some fields may not show up in the UI, but you can add your desired fields via JSON instead by navigating to the Edit as JSON screen. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much for the help! I was sure that I had already tried that but I must have been doing something wrong before, but I got it working now :grin:.