Pages Performance (Summer '21 Release)

This Summer Release features optimizations to the Answers experience. Adding the Answers search bar to your website will have minimal to no effect on your page performance. We’ve also introduced backend improvements to boost Google’s user-centric performance metrics, and included a default loading indicator to reduce perceived latency of an experience. Please note the following updates for upgrade implications:

  1. replace all IconComponent usages with IconPartial
    Upgrade Implications: if you have forked any cards using the IconComponent, these cards will still work. To take advantage of the new IconPartial, re-fork your card.

  2. Debounce the locator based on time: By adding a time based debouncer, we can avoid performing searches in quick succession which slows down the page. This feature will improve the UX when someone is navigating the map.
    Upgrade Implications: If you forked any internals of locator components (this means anything in the static/js/theme-map/ folder), you will need to reshadow these files

  3. Add a loading indicator to the Theme
    Upgrade Implications: loadingIndicator should be set to true in the theme by default. This will involve updating the SearchBar component in all of the config.json files. Alternatively, you can add the following to your SearchBar configuration under ComponentSettings:

  "SearchBar": {
      "placeholderText": "Search", // The placeholder text in the answers search bar
      "allowEmptySearch": true, // Allows users to submit an empty search in the searchbar
      "loadingIndicator": {
          "display": true

Also make sure to add the --yxt-search-loading-opacity: 0.5; to your answers-variables.scss file.

:spiral_calendar: This feature is available in Early Access. Here’s how to use the Early Access branches of the Theme and SDK!