We are looking for a way to send location information from Yext to Facebook Store Locations here Log into Facebook in our partner account.
Hi @Jeff_Lucia,
Thanks so much for posting this question, and welcome to our Community! Apologies for the delay in our response–hopefully this post will provide some additional help to any guidance you’ve already received.
Yext’s Listings product is exactly what you’re looking for! When you sign up for Yext Listings, your store locations in a synced Facebook brand account can be powered by your Knowledge Graph. That means information updated in your Knowledge Graph will automatically feed out to all of your Facebook listings.
You can find more information on how to launch your Facebook listings in this Hitchhikers unit: How to Launch on Facebook for Locations | Hitchhikers
Also, our Listings track will have some great tips on how to manage your listings, not only on Facebook, but on publishers across our Knowledge Network!
Let us know if you have any questions!