Trouble with Answers Featured Snippet

Does anybody know how to fix it when the top line of the featured snippet is cut off?

Hi, I am also running into the same issue. Screenshot attached.

Hi Ryan and Sarah,

Looks like you both are still on Theme v1.19 and the new featured snippet card is in Theme v1.20, which is now available just with the early-access branch. You’ll need to use the spring21-early-access version of the Theme branch to do this, which you can upgrade to by following these instructions.

Once you upgrade, you’ll need to update your config/index.json file’s directAnswer object like this:

“DirectAnswer”: {
  “types”: {
            “cardType”: "documentsearch-standard"
        'FIELD_VALUE': {
            “cardType”: "allfields-standard"

Let us know if that helps!

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What would be the reason that a featured snippet not be returned on the SERP but show up in the “Featured Snippets Training”?

Hi Liz,

Thank you so much for the instructions. Not sure what I am doing wrong, but I went ahead and upgraded the theme following the instructions you highlighted and then updated my index.json file as well… one thing I did notice is that for ‘FEATURED_SNIPPET’ when I entered it with just one ’ it gave me an error so I updated it to “FEATURED_SNIPPET” either way my results have disappeared in the SERP altogether. Attaching all the screenshots.

Hey Ryan - usually anything that’s approved in Experience Training should automatically show up in the results. Did anything about this entity change? Or did the order of results?

If the order of results changes or if you significantly alter the field that the original featured snippet was produced one, this can invalidate the training example.

Hi @Liz_Frailey I’m having a similar issue. I’ve noticed that the documentsearch-standard direct answer card isn’t in the theme. Is there a patch I can apply? I think this may be why the formatting is off.

Screen Shot 2021-04-02 at 11.03.27 AM

Hey all - just confirming with @John_McGraw that we resolved his issue offline. The fix was to move his repo to the Spring '21 EA branch.


Thanks, @Sam_Torres for the help! Yes, as an FYI, this was a playground account that I generated from the Hitchhiker site, and the theme upgrade feature/early-access-spring-21 wasn’t already included. So, if you’re looking to leverage these features it still needs to be added.

Hi @Liz_Frailey can you please confirm if we should still add that directAnswer object even if we are on version 1.26.0? Also, I think ‘FEATURED_SNIPPET’ and ‘FIELD_VALUE’ should have " instead of ’ correct?