Analytics Events

Send user events from your Yext digital experiences to Yext Analytics in near real-time.

Request Body schema: application/json

JSON object containing the events to be sent to Yext Analytics

Standard (string) or Custom (string)

The action which caused the event.

string [ 1 .. 8192 ] characters ^(KEY|Bearer)\s.+$

An alternative to using the Authorization HTTP header. If a value is provided, it will override any Authorization header. Api keys should be formatted like "KEY <apiKey>", access tokens should be formatted like "Bearer <bearerToken>"

boolean or $auto (string)
Default: "$auto"

Whether the event is the result of bot activity.

Default: {"browser":"$auto","browserVersion":"$auto","device":"$auto","deviceClass":"$auto","os":"$auto","osVersion":"$auto","userAgent":"$auto"}

Information about the visitor's device and browser.

object (Chat)

The Yext Chat properties of the event.

integer [ 1 .. 1000000000 ]
Default: 1

When one record summarizes multiple events, this is the number of events the record represents. The event is treated as if it is duplicated this many times.

object <= 10 properties

Up to 10 pairs matching custom string keys to string values to associate with the event. Keys are case-insensitive; values are case-sensitive. Property Name pattern: "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,31}$"

object <= 10 properties

Up to 10 pairs matching custom string keys to number values to associate with the event. Keys are case-insensitive. Property Name pattern: "^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]{0,31}$"

string <uri> (URL)

The URL of the page the event is directing the visitor to. format: uri

entityId (string) or entityUid (integer)
Default: false

Indicates whether the event is the result of internal activity.

IP (object) or null (null)
Default: {"address":"$auto","algorithm":"HASH"}

The IP address for the event.

string [ 1 .. 16777216 ] characters

A label assigned to the event, e.g. a CTA label.

Locale (string) or $auto (string) or null (null)
Default: "$auto"

The locale of the user who generated the event.

Location (object) or $auto (string) or null (null)
Default: "$auto"

The location information of the visitor for the event.

URL (string) or $auto (string) or null (null)
Default: "$auto"

The URL of the page the event occurred on.

URL (string) or $auto (string) or null (null)
Default: "$auto"

The URL of the page which the visitor came from prior to the event.

string [ 1 .. 16777216 ] characters

The query entered by the user.


ID of the user session associated with event. pattern: "^[\x20-\x7E]{1,36}$"

ISO Timestamp (string) or Epoch millisecond (number) or $auto (string)
Default: "$auto"

The timestamp at which the event occurred.

object (Value)

The monetary value of the event

object <= 1 properties

The visitor related to the event. Keys are visitor methods and values are visitor IDs. PropertyName pattern: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{1,16}$". Value pattern: "^[\x20-\x7E]{1,64}$"


Request samples

Content type
  • "action": "ADD_TO_CART",
  • "authorization": "string",
  • "bot": "$auto",
  • "browserAgent": {
  • "chat": {
  • "count": 1,
  • "customTags": {
  • "customValues": {
  • "destinationUrl": "",
  • "entity": "string",
  • "internalUser": false,
  • "ip": {
  • "label": "string",
  • "locale": "$auto",
  • "location": "$auto",
  • "pageUrl": "$auto",
  • "referrerUrl": "$auto",
  • "searchTerm": "string",
  • "sessionId": "string",
  • "timestamp": "$auto",
  • "value": {
  • "visitor": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "id": "string"