Status Codes
202 Accepted
- There are no errors.
400 Bad Request
- There is a malformed URL, malformed request body JSON (including repeated properties), or invalid UTF-8 codepoints in the request.
401 Unauthorized
- The Authorization header is missing or not in the
scheme, the Authorization JWT has an incorrect HMAC or is otherwise malformed, or there is an unknown API key fingerprint.
- The Authorization header is missing or not in the
403 Forbidden
- The app does not have the required permission, or an event property in the request body is in conflict with the provided authorization.
404 Not Found
- Not the /events endpoint or a valid legacy endpoint, or not a recognized domain name. We require the expected domain name, rather than accept whatever CNAMEs happen to have been set up.
405 Method Not Allowed
- The request was not a POST request.
408 Request Timeout
- The request was not received in 10 seconds.
413 Payload Too Large
- The request headers are over 8KB, or the request body is over 8KB.
414 URI Too Long
- The request URI is over 2,000 characters.
415 Unsupported Media Type
- Didn’t send
Content-Type: application/json
, optionally withcharset=utf-8
- Didn’t send
422 Unprocessable Entity
- The provided JSON body does not validate against the JSON schema, or any URL params were passed with the request.
429 Too Many Requests
- Too many requests over a short period of time
500 Internal Server Error
- Yext’s servers are not operating as expected. The request is likely valid but should be resent later.
503 Service Unavailable
- The server is not ready to handle the request. The request is likely valid but should be resent later.