Reviews: List
Retrieve all Reviews matching the given criteria.
NOTE: Not all publishers' reviews will be included in the response. For more details, please contact your Account Manager.
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
limit | integer <= 100 Default: 10 Number of results to return. |
offset | integer <= 9900 Default: 0 Number of results to skip. Used to page through results.
Cannot be used together with If the |
entityIds | Array of strings When provided, only reviews for the requested entities will be returned. Before 12/13/21, the parameter name was By default, reviews will be returned for all entities subscribed to Review Monitoring. Example: entity123,entity456,entity789 |
apiIdentifiers | Array of strings When provided, only reviews for the requested API identifiers will be returned. |
folderId | string When provided, only reviews for locations in the given folder and its subfolders will be included in the results. |
countries | Array of strings When present, only reviews for locations in the given countries will be returned. Countries are denoted by ISO 3166 2-letter country codes. |
locationLabels | Array of strings When present, only reviews for locations with the provided labels will be returned. |
publisherIds | Array of strings List of publisher IDs. If no IDs are specified, defaults to all publishers subscribed by the account. Example: MAPQUEST,FACEBOOK |
reviewContent | string When specified, only reviews that include the provided content will be returned. |
minRating | number <double> When specified, only reviews with the provided minimum rating or higher will be returned. |
maxRating | number <double> When specified, only reviews with the provided maximum rating or lower will be returned. |
minPublisherDate | string <date> ( If the If the |
maxPublisherDate | string <date> ( If the If the |
minLastYextUpdateDate | string <date> ( If the If the |
maxLastYextUpdateDate | string <date> ( If the If the |
awaitingResponse | string Enum: "REVIEW" "COMMENT" "REVIEW_OR_COMMENT" When specified, only reviews that are awaiting an owner reply on the given objects will be returned. For example, when |
minNonOwnerComments | integer When specified, only reviews that have at least the provided number of non-owner comments will be returned. |
reviewerName | string When specified, only reviews whose authorName contains the provided string will be returned. |
status | string Enum: "LIVE" "QUARANTINED" "REMOVED" When specified, only reviews with the given The |
pageToken | string If a response to a previous request contained the The |
reviewLanguage | string When provided, only reviews in the given languages will be included in the results. Languages must be specified by their ISO 639-1 codes. If specifying multiple languages, enter the language codes as a comma-separated list. Example: 'en,fr,zh' |
labelIds | Array of strings When present, only reviews with the provided review label IDs will be returned. |
reviewType | string Enum: "Rating" "Recommendation" When specified, only reviews that are of the given The |
recommendation | string Enum: "Recommended" "Not Recommended" When specified, only reviews with the given The |
flagStatus | string Enum: "FLAGGED" "NOT_FLAGGED" When specified, only reviews with the given
Response samples
- 200
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "count": 0,
- "averageRating": 0,
- "reviews": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "locationId": "string",
- "accountId": "string",
- "publisherId": "string",
- "rating": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "authorName": "string",
- "authorEmail": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "publisherDate": 0,
- "lastYextUpdateTime": 0,
- "status": "LIVE",
- "flagStatus": "FLAGGED",
- "reviewLanguage": "string",
- "comments": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "parentId": 0,
- "publisherDate": 0,
- "authorName": "string",
- "authorEmail": "string",
- "authorRole": "BUSINESS_OWNER",
- "content": "string",
- "visibility": "PUBLIC",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "suppressReviewerContact": true
], - "labelIds": [
- 0
], - "reviewLabels": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
], - "reviewType": "Rating",
- "recommendation": "Recommended",
- "transactionId": "string",
- "invitationId": "string",
- "apiIdentifier": "string"
], - "nextPageToken": "string"
Reviews: Create
Create a new External First Party Review.
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Request Body schema: application/json
entityId required | string ID of the entity associated with this review. |
authorName required | string The name of the person who wrote the review. |
rating required | number <double> Normalized rating out of 5. |
content | string Content of the review. |
authorEmail | string The email address of the person who wrote the review. |
status | string Enum: "LIVE" "QUARANTINED" "REMOVED" The current status of the review; only returned for First Party and External First Party reviews. Defaults to |
date | string <date> If the v parameter is before 20240515: (YYYY-MM-DD format) If provided, the date you received the review from the customer. Defaults to the date the review was uploaded to Yext. Time defaults to midnight ET. If the v parameter is 20240515 or later: ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD) if provided, the date you received the review from the customer. Date defaults to the date the review was uploaded to Yext. Time defaults to midnight and timezone defaults to UTC. Examples: 2024-05-15, 2024-05-15T04:44:50, 2024-05-15T04:44:50-05:00 |
publisherId | string The ID of the publisher associated with the review. If v parameter is after 20240515, defaults to If v parameter is before 20240515, defaults to |
externalId | string The External ID of the review, typically assigned by the Publisher. Created External IDs must be unique per entity and publisher pair. |
invitationUid | string The ID of the invitation which should be associated with this review. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "entityId": "string",
- "authorName": "string",
- "rating": 0,
- "content": "string",
- "authorEmail": "string",
- "status": "LIVE",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "publisherId": "string",
- "externalId": "string",
- "invitationUid": "string"
Response samples
- 201
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "id": "string"
Review: Get
Retrieve a specific Review.
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Response samples
- 200
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "id": 0,
- "locationId": "string",
- "accountId": "string",
- "publisherId": "string",
- "rating": 0,
- "title": "string",
- "content": "string",
- "authorName": "string",
- "authorEmail": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "publisherDate": 0,
- "lastYextUpdateTime": 0,
- "status": "LIVE",
- "flagStatus": "FLAGGED",
- "reviewLanguage": "string",
- "comments": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "parentId": 0,
- "publisherDate": 0,
- "authorName": "string",
- "authorEmail": "string",
- "authorRole": "BUSINESS_OWNER",
- "content": "string",
- "visibility": "PUBLIC",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "suppressReviewerContact": true
], - "labelIds": [
- 0
], - "reviewLabels": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
], - "reviewType": "Rating",
- "recommendation": "Recommended",
- "transactionId": "string",
- "invitationId": "string",
- "apiIdentifier": "string"
Review: Update
Updates an External First Party Review or a First Party Review.
NOTE: Despite using the PUT
method, Reviews: Update only updates supplied fields. Omitted fields are not modified.
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Request Body schema: application/json
locationId | string ID of the location associated with this review |
rating | number <double> Normalized rating out of 5. Can only be specified for External First Party Reviews. |
content | string Content of the review. Can only be specified for External First Party Reviews. |
authorName | string The name of the person who wrote the review. Can only be specified for External First Party Reviews. |
authorEmail | string The email address of the person who wrote the review. Can only be specified for External First Party Reviews. |
status | string Enum: "LIVE" "QUARANTINED" "REMOVED" The current status of the review. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "locationId": "string",
- "rating": 0,
- "content": "string",
- "authorName": "string",
- "authorEmail": "string",
- "status": "LIVE"
Response samples
- 200
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "id": "string"
Comment: Create
Creates a new Comment on a Review.
Required fields
Optional fields
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Request Body schema: application/json
parentId | integer If this comment is in response to another comment, this is the ID of the parent comment. |
content | string Content of the comment. |
visibility | string Enum: "PUBLIC" "PRIVATE" Defaults to |
date | string <date> If the v parameter is before 20240515: (YYYY-MM-DD format) If provided, the date the comment was posted. Date defaults to the date the comment was uploaded to Yext. Time defaults to midnight ET. If the v parameter is 20240515 or later: ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD) if provided, the date the comment was posted. Date defaults to the date the comment was uploaded to Yext. Time defaults to midnight and timezone defaults to UTC. Examples: 2024-05-15, 2024-05-15T04:44:50, 2024-05-15T04:44:50-05:00 |
suppressReviewerContact | boolean Indicates whether or not the reviewer receives an email notification when a comment is posted. Defaults to |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "parentId": 0,
- "content": "string",
- "visibility": "PUBLIC",
- "date": "2019-08-24",
- "suppressReviewerContact": true
Response samples
- 201
- 202
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "id": 0
Comment: Generate
Gets a content generated response for a particular review
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Response samples
- 200
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "content": "string"
Comment: Update
Updates a Comment on a Review.
Optional fields
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
commentId required | string |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Request Body schema: application/json
content | string Content of the comment. |
visibility | string Enum: "PUBLIC" "PRIVATE" |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "content": "string",
- "visibility": "PUBLIC"
Response samples
- 200
- 202
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": { }
Comment: Delete
Deletes a Comment on a Review.
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
commentId required | string |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Response samples
- 200
- 202
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": { }
Review Labels: Update
Assigns the specified review labels to the specified review, replacing existing labels on the review.
path Parameters
accountId required | string |
reviewId required | integer ID of this Review. |
query Parameters
v required | string A date in |
Request Body schema: application/json
labelIds | Array of integers The IDs of the review labels added to the review. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "labelIds": [
- 0
Response samples
- 200
- default
{- "meta": {
- "uuid": "4f72b877-e2d0-4de4-9324-b9cf2c03e1a0"
}, - "response": {
- "id": 0,
- "labelIds": [
- 0